American Leopard Hounds: Full Breed Profile

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Vicki Smirnova

Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.

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Updated on: 06/18/2021

Dogs of the Leopard hound breed are very loyal to their owner. The main task of such dogs is to please their owner with their success. However, this breed is not very suitable for a large family because it tends to obey only one person. Also, these dogs are famous for their vigilance and courage, these qualities make the Leopard hound a great watchman.

The American leopard hound is a purebred dog whose ancestors came from Mexico and the Spanish conquistadors, who later sailed to North America. These dogs are energetic, sociable, and intelligent, with universal qualities.

american leopard hound

A powerful, compact, well-built leopard hound, it has strength and perseverance. The color of this dog is marble, reminiscent of leopard spots; among other colors, there are blue, tiger, and yellow-red. The coat is thick and dense. Muzzle elongated, medium-sized ears. The height of this dogs is 21 to 27 inches, and the weight is 35 to 75 pounds.

American leopard hounds are often confused with the Catahoula Leopard Dog. However, since December 12, 2008, these two breeds are considered different. Each breed has its own requirements in the AKC. Catahoula is herding dogs, and American leopard is hounds. These dogs have different histories and temperaments.

American leopard hounds are loyal companions and reliable friends. These dogs are very active and playful. They need not just long walks but also physical exercises. In the presence of others, they will never show aggression. These dogs are not recommended to keep in the apartment; rather, the ideal option a place where there is a job for the dog (for example, a farm). Despite all their advantages, these dogs can show stubbornness and insubordination. To avoid this, the owner must show leadership – not through violence, but primarily through consistent behavior.


Weight35 to 75 pounds
Height 21-27 inches
Colors and Patternsmarble, reminiscent of leopard spots; among other colors, there are blue, tiger and yellow-red
Lifespan12-15 years
Suitable forguard dog, farm dog, hunting, companion dog for active individuals and couples;

History of the breed American leopard hounds

For the first time, this breed appeared on the territory of modern America – in North Carolina. It appeared quite recently. There is no exact information about the progenitors of leopard hounds, however, research results indicate an affinity with French British hounds.

These hardy dogs protected the first American settlers from Indian attacks and helped them get food by hunting. These dogs easily repelled the onslaught of large wild animals. They helped them finish off food, defend themselves, and perform some household tasks.

Despite its appearance and interesting exclusively working purpose, the breed is not recognized by standards – only true connoisseurs see this breed as an independent. Experts continue to work to ensure that leopard hounds are finally recognized. How soon this will happen is unknown.

Since there is no standard, then there is some confusion with the identification of the breed. If you have a desire to buy a leopard hound, then be careful – scammers can sell a completely different dog under the guise of a rare breed.

Interesting facts about American Leopard Hounds

  • The paws of the American leopard hound are much stiffer than those of most other breeds and generally do not hurt.
  • The main colors of this breed are yellow, black, brindle, red-blue or gray. This also includes white dots and a white collar.
  • The American leopard hound is a sociable breed. 
  • These dogs can withstand extremely hot or icy weather.
  • American leopard dogs have a huge amount of energy.

Character traits of American leopard hounds

American Leopard Hound dogs are immensely loyal to their owner. Dogs of this breed trust their one and only owner as much as they trust themselves. They may not treat other family members with aggression, but they will not follow commands and obey. There is only one person for them.

In General, they have a sociable and friendly character. The main goal in life for such a dog is to please its owner and protect it as much as possible from all the dangers that threaten it. This is at the genetic level, as well as loyalty.

The breed qualities of the American leopard dog contributed to the formation of a firm and inflexible character and independent temperament. Therefore, early socialization plays a crucial role in its training. Usually-the animal recognizes for itself only one person to whom it will obey and consider its master. It is necessary to show patience, endurance, and firmness within the educational process. This will allow you to curb the obstinate nature of the American leopard dog and direct its energy into a peaceful channel.

Adapts to Apartment Living2 out 5
Tolerates Being Alone3 out 5
Tolerates Cold Weather4 out 5
Tolerates Hot Weather4 out 5
Affectionate with Family5 out 5
Kid-Friendly4 out 5
Dog Friendly4 out 5
Cat Friendly4 out 5
Friendly Toward Strangers3 out 5
Health Grooming
Amount Of Shedding2 out 5
Drooling Potential2 out 5
Easy To Groom4 out 5
General Health4 out 5
Easy To Train4 out 5
Intelligence4 out 5
Tendency To Bark Or Howl4 out 5
Exercise Needs
Energy Level4 out 5
Intensity3 out 5
Exercise Needs4 out 5

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Physical characteristics of American leopard hounds

American leopard hounds have a muscular build, a straight back, a deep and moderately wide chest, a slightly arched loin, and webbing between the paws. They have a massive head, and the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced. Their high-set, medium-long ears are triangular in shape with rounded tips. The eyes are oval and slightly narrowed at the corners. The end of the tail is bent at the tip. The coat is short or elongated and is thick and close to the body.[1]


Cute puppies of this breed have a large reserve of energy. This means that they feel best in homes with large courtyards to run around in. They get along well with people, so they are well suited for families with children. American leopard hound puppies have a powerful hunting instinct, so it is necessary to train the dog from an early age to be tolerant of other small animals. If this is not done, then the pet can not be left alone with a pet hamster, and there may also be difficulties with chasing cats.  Not only will the training be needed to control the desire to hunt and respond from the trail at the command of the owner, but it will also be necessary to train endurance to remain calm and control its behavior under various sound and smell stimuli.

Mating two American leopards of merle color make it possible to get puppies, called double merle. Unfortunately, these pups carry a much higher risk of being blind, deaf, visually impaired, or hard of hearing.

american leopard hound puppiesAmerican Leopard Hound Association


Most American leopard dogs are healthy. Potential owners of American leopard dogs should work with a responsible breeder who can tell them about specific health issues within the breed. Good breeders use genetic testing to reduce the chance of their pups getting sick. The lifespan of these dogs is 12 to 15 years.

Care & Diet

The American Leopard Hound is a very unusual and rare breed. It is not adapted to home life.

Representatives of this breed obey only one single owner, they are ready to serve him until death. To earn the dog’s trust, it is necessary to constantly stay with it starting from the puppy’s age. If you take an adult to yourself, then it will not be easy with it.

If you can provide daily training, the dog will be able to adapt to urban life. However, in this case, daily brushing will be necessary.

It is necessary to constantly check the dog’s ears and check them for parasites.  In addition, you should be careful about diseases of the lower back and gastrointestinal intussusception – you should not give the dog a load after eating.

The coat is thick, the hair is short or slightly elongated and close-fitting. The color is preferably marble with specks and spots. The combination of colors is very diverse: gray-blue, gray, black, yellow-red, red, white and mottled (usually spots and specks are located according to the pattern of a tan or black color with white markings). Monophonic color can be black, red-yellow, red-red or chocolate-brown. Their wool is thick enough to comb out once a week.

In General, the hardy and strong American leopard dog has good immunity to diseases and good health. However, there are a number of problems that a representative of this breed may face.

The leading positions are occupied by blindness, hip dysplasia, and deafness. Important points in maintaining a good physical condition of the dog are the prevention of overheating of the animal and timely examination for the presence of infectious diseases. The consultation of a qualified specialist will help to resolve issues with the health of your pet.

The American leopard dog is an unpretentious and omnivorous breed. Therefore, to make its diet for the owner is not a difficult problem.

The main product, like many other breeds, is meat and meat offal, which contain useful protein, which contributes to the development of a strong physique of the animal. You should also include nutritious cereals, fermented milk products, boiled vegetables and vegetable fats in your pet’s menu. Clean water is a must for proper metabolism and good health of the dog.

Dogs tend to gain weight if they are overfed, so you should stick to a regular feeding schedule and not give the dog constant access to food.

As with all dogs, the nutritional needs of the American leopard dog change as they grow older. You should consult your veterinarian for recommendations on the nutrition of your American leopard dog, as there are too many differences between individual dogs.

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American leopard dogs are an energetic breed. Exercise options include playing in the backyard (preferably fenced off) or walking several times a day. The exercises can also be in the form of indoor activities, such as hide-and-seek, chasing a ball rolling on the floor or teaching them new tricks. Training for canine sports, such as agility can also be a great way to develop your dog.

The leopard hound makes excellent hunting dogs. They can not be tired, and a sharp sense of smell and hearing will not allow the prey to escape. In addition to hunting skills, these dogs can also be excellent guards. These dogs are independent and vigilant – no one will pass by the dog, and if a thief is noticed, the dog will immediately notify its owner about it. The American leopard dogs was used in hunting not only fur-bearing animals, but also large animals (elk, wild boar, bear). Currently, they are more often used as shepherd dogs.

The level of activity of “leopards” is quite high – they are in motion for a very long time. Therefore, you should not keep dogs indoors – they do not tolerate them. The most suitable place is a large paddock or yard where the pet can vent its energy. Even when keeping a dog in a pen, it must be walked. Walks, if possible, should be long. So the pet can get acquainted with the outside world.[2]


You can find this pure breed by checking your local shelters or rescue services. Remember, it’s better to rescue than to buy! If you are adopting a puppy, find out if the parents of the dog you are interested in had any genetic diseases. You can also ask if your shelter, rescue facility or dog breeder has information about your potential puppy’s physical health, parents and other relatives.


The brave, energetic and courageous American leopard dog occupies a prominent place in the fraternity of hunting breeds. Its excellent and brilliant working qualities immediately appeal to gamblers and hard-working farmers.

The dog is famous for its sharp sense of smell and vision, which are a threat to cougars, foxes, raccoons, hares and other animals. In the role of a watchdog, this dog is a reliable professional. Friendly relations with its owner are very important for the animal – it is devoted to him forever!

The most passionate desire of the leopard hound is to please its owner with its success. However, this is not the best dog for the whole family, because it has a tendency to obey only one person.



  • Very loyal.
  • Smart.
  • Can be a good watchman.
  • Can be a good hunter.
  • Not adapted to living in an apartment.
  • Only one master obeys.
  • Requires a life calling.


Are American Leopard Hounds good family dogs?

Leopard hounds are affectionate, intelligent and loyal to the family. They treat children with care and patience. Any child that this dog considers its property can be sure that it has received a faithful companion and guardian.

Can American Leopard Hounds be left alone?

The American leopard hound needs regular interaction. If this dog is left alone without work and socialization, it can acquire negative and destructive habits.

What to ask breeder about an American Leopard Hound?

You need to know the pedigree of the dog. Responsible breeders use genetic testing of breeding stock to reduce the likelihood of puppy disease. In order to maintain the health of the dog, its owner needs to provide it timely vaccinations, treatment from parasites, proper nutrition, care and good conditions of maintenance, including a sufficient level of physical activity.

Article Sources:

  1. Breed Standards: American Leopard Hound | United Kennel Club (UKC). 29 Apr. 2021,
  2. “American Leopard Hound Dog Breed Information – American Kennel Club.” American Kennel Club, 20 May 2021,