Casey Fenn

Casey Fenn

Professional Writer and Editor

North Carolina, USA

3+ years of experience

Casey Fenn


  • Has degrees in Communication, Christian Ministry, and part of a degree in English
  • Has been involved in writing since 2017
  • Casey specializes to write articles in Dog, Cat and Aquarium Care


Casey graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from Kennesaw State University in Atlanta, GA.


Casey’s experience as a high school English teacher, graduate degree, and time in freelance writing has given him all the tools he needs to research and write on any topic. And his passion for animals has given him the drive to write for ThePets team.


Casey Fenn is a freelance writer who lives in western North Carolina with his wife, four children, and an assortment of farm animals – including a dog, twenty chickens, a handful of quail, and one milk cow. His freelancing has allowed him to pursue his passion for homesteading and pastoral life.

As Casey sees it, Wendell Berry was right when he said:

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.”

It just so happens that Casey “cares for the Earth” by writing.

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