Jane Leonhardt

Jane Leonhardt

Professional Writer and Editor

Upstate New York, USA

3+ years of experience

Jane Leonhardt


  • Professionally trained writer and editor
  • Pet owner for 15+ years of animals including reptiles, cats, dogs, birds, and rodents
  • Passionate about writing and pet care
  • Experience in caring for and training a deaf dog


Jane Leonhardt graduated magna cum aude from State University of New York at Albany and received a bachelor’s degree in Journalism in 2019.


Jane has been writing for The Pets since February of 2020. Before that, she gleaned 3-years of experience in writing on topics ranging from travel to lifestyle to business. In addition to her copywriting and editing skills and experience, Jane is a talented reporter. Her byline was seen many times in her school paper, The Albany Student Press.


Jane currently lives in Upstate New York, the USA where she spends most of her time writing, editing, cooking, and hiking. She has been a pet owner and lover since she was 8-years old when she got two lovebirds for her birthday. Since then, she has cared for snakes, lizards, rabbits, mice, cats, and dogs. Jane was a long-time dog owner who recently said goodbye to her 13-year-old Pitbull, Sasha. They loved to hike and travel together.

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