Black Cat Breeds: 11 Cat Breeds You’ll Want to Adopt
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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Updated on: 05/12/2023
The black cat is a beautiful and mysterious creature and a frequent hero of literary works, superstitions, and signs. In ancient Egypt, a black cat was revered as a deity, but the attitude towards these creatures was not always filled with love. In the Middle Ages, they instilled fear in people, and a hunt was announced for black cats. Now, pets with this color are popular, and owners love their “mystical” cohabitants.
For a cat to be black, it must have two dominant genes: B (black) and D (dense). Gene B controls the synthesis of eumelanin – the pigment of black fur, and gene D ensures that the color is evenly distributed. It is enough for a kitten to receive one dominant B and D gene from either parent for its coat to become black.
The saturation of the black color can be nutritionally dependent: for example, a diet rich in iodine or other oxidizing agents can cause the black color to change to brown. Also, the black color is sensitive to sunlight – the coat can fade, acquiring a brown tint of varying intensity, up to dark red.
Blue-black color is more common in short-haired cats without an undercoat. According to the standards, in solid black cats, all visible parts of the body – the nose, the edging of the eyes and lips, the paw pads – must also be black.
According to its international standards, this beautiful breed is the only one in the world that allows only black color. The nose and paw pads should also be black. The coat of this cat is very smooth and shiny, reminiscent of silk. Black cats and cats of this breed are also famous for their yellow eyes, a unique feature that makes their appearance incomparable. Especially appreciated are the eyes of a dark amber hue, round, shiny, and very bright. The Bombay cat looks like a miniature domestic copy of a wild panther; besides the great external similarities, this smooth-haired black pet has the same elegance and graceful gait. However, the animal’s temperament is not at all predatory; the cat is quite affectionate and loves to spend time near its owners, gladly allows itself to be stroked, and is very friendly.
British Shorthair
Black pets of this breed have a very soft coat and round muzzle. By the way, the same Cheshire cat from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” was this British breed. Interestingly, the color of the eyes harmonizes with the coat color of black cats of this breed: usually copper-colored or yellow shades, large, wide-open eyes, demonstrating intelligence and curiosity. British shorthairs cats are distinguished by high mental abilities; they are intelligent and complaisant. However, they only like to be on their paws for a short time. The short dark coats of British shorthairs cats is distinguished by its density and abundant undercoat; despite the short length, it looks whipped and thick. On a black color, the glossy sheen of a healthy coat is especially noticeable.
Scottish Fold
Black Scottish Fold is also valued. In this case, the eyes of the pet must be amber, and the color of the paw pads and nose should also be completely black. The coat of these pets is very soft and voluminous; despite the small length, it seems pretty fluffy due to their density.
Scottish Fold should have flattened adorable ears; together with fluffy cheeks, they very strongly emphasize the round shape of the head, which makes the cat’s muzzle look like a soft ball. These are very calm and phlegmatic animals; therefore, they are considered ideal pets.
Devon Rex
Among the cats of the Devon Rex breed, there are also representatives of the black color. These pets are distinguished by a peculiar coat: it is short and, at the same time, wavy, which makes it look like an expensive, luxury fur curly coat. The Devon Rex’s fur is very soft and plush to the touch. Interestingly, there may be a lack of coat in the abdomen area, which corresponds to the breed standard.
In general, the appearance of black cats of this breed is very eccentric. They are like aliens or cartoon characters: large, deep-set, protruding ears look very funny on a wide, round-cheeked, short muzzle. Huge, slightly frowning eyes are set wide and oblique, which is why the look of the animal is rather mysterious. But, despite the mysterious and arrogant appearance, the Devon Rex is a very affectionate and friendly breed. They resemble dogs in their attachment to their owners. These cats love to be picked up and enjoy tactile communication with humans.
The Oriental has a peculiar appearance and dog-like habits. This unusual breed has more than 300 color options. The black Oriental shorthair has a satiny, shiny coat. The pile fits snugly to the body and is very silky. The eyes of almost all cats of this breed are usually emerald, so they look bewitching.
A distinctive feature of Oriental is the unusual structure of the head and muzzle, slightly elongated and narrow, as well as the presence of huge ears, even. At first glance, disproportionate to the head. These animals have very long limbs and proudly bear the title of the aristocrats of the cat world.
Maine Coon
The Maine Coon’s coat is long and fluffy, with a thick undercoat that is used to help them survive in the harsh conditions of winter. The hair is thickest on the nape and paws. The black color of the representatives of this breed can have two shades: brindle and marble. The charcoal color, in this case, is slightly diluted with markings of silver and brown. A distinctive feature of the Maine Coon is also the tassels on the ears, which makes them look like lynx. Despite the very rich coat, the fur of this breed does not need excessive care; ordinary home combing is enough to make the cat look like a king.
Turkish Angora
Cats of this breed have luxurious and very long tails. Its length almost completely corresponds to the size of the body, and it is covered with silky hair. Also, these pets are distinguished by slender, elongated limbs and graceful necks. Angora should not have any markings of other shades; black should be the color of their skin, as well as paw pads and nose. Eyes of lemon-yellow color look especially beautiful with this color.
This is a very elegant breed, unusually intelligent and wayward. No wonder European aristocrats, monarchs, and intellectuals chose this cat as a pet. The behavior of Angora cats is in line with the high status of such persons: the animal does not tolerate too condescending an attitude towards itself and strives to always be in the spotlight.
Siberian cats are distinguished by an unusually thick, luxurious coat and a cute muzzle. Despite their impressive size, they look pretty smooth. This contrast between their size and their doll-like appearance makes their exterior unique. Siberian cats come in a wide variety of colors, with black being the most common. In this case, the animal’s coat is entirely black, without any markings of other colors. It is essential to provide sufficient care for the fur of the Siberian cat; then, it will look beautiful and have a healthy shine.
The majestic appearance is in harmony with the wayward character of this breed. Siberian cats have self-respect and do not tolerate familiarity but always respond with affection to those who respect their personal boundaries.
Elite cats of the rare Bengal breed require special care and a lot of attention. These are exquisite animals, domestic leopards with gentle characters. From wild ancestors, they inherited only the color and some structural features of the body and head. The Bengal cat is a beautiful pet that does not show predatory habits or harm its owners. This is a very friendly and sociable creature.
The black color of the Bengal cat is included in the list of acceptable breed standards, although it looks very unusual. The coat of such cats is particularly soft and has a glittery sheen. The main requirement for purebred representatives is the presence of a pronounced, spotty color; in the case of black cats, these will be spots of coal and graphite shades on a gray background with silver markings. In any type of color, no white spots are allowed. The color of the eyes of charcoal Bengal cats vary from light green to golden amber.
Black Persian cats are very fluffy; their hair can reach up to 10 cm in length and up to 20 cm on the collar. In addition, these cats have a very thick undercoat, due to which they look even more voluminous. Since Persians are inactive, they look like a black, fluffy cloud that occasionally stretches and indifferently watches the outside world with its huge, wide-open, round eyes. But this behavior is absolutely normal and is a feature of this breed.
American Curl
The American Curl is a companion cat; she loves to spend time with people and does not tolerate loneliness. These cats remain playful until quite a mature age. The coat of the American Curl can be either long or short. The pile is airy to the touch and voluminous but not very dense. The cartilaginous joints in the ears are stiffer than in other cats and, therefore, require delicate handling.
Black Cat Breed Hair Care
Cat grooming is more about length and texture than color. The only caveat is that it is not recommended that black pets spend a lot of time in the sun and eat food rich in iodine; otherwise, the coat may become brown.
The rest of black coat care involves regular grooming. To properly comb a pet, you need to get combs and brushes that are suitable for its type of coat.
You should also pay attention to the diet – it must contain all the necessary nutrients to keep the coat healthy and shiny. Specialty food for a beautiful coat can be a great help in caring for your cat’s luxurious coat – it is balanced in composition and helps maintain healthy skin and coat; it also reduces the risk of hairballs in the stomach.
When choosing a black cat, be guided not only by appearance – the breeds differ in character, and some features may come as an unexpected surprise. Study the habits of the breeds, consult with the owners, and make an informed decision. Then, the black pet will be a symbol of happiness and will bring only joy to your home.
People also ask
What breed are black cats usually?
There is only one breed for which only black coat color is acceptable – the Bombay cat. Other breeds can come in many colors, including black, which is recognized as a standard and highly regarded by experts.
How rare is an all-black cat?
There are 22 cat breeds that can be completely black. However, there is only one breed for which black is the only acceptable color – the Bombay cat.
Are black cats special?
Black cats treat people with mental suffering and pain, reduce nervousness and soothe babies. Black cats help fight fears. In the UK, a black cat is considered a symbol of good luck. These cute animals are also attributes of such holidays as Halloween.

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