Can Cats Eat Yogurt? What Kind of Yogurt Can Cats Eat?
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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Updated on: 03/28/2022
Veterinarians do not recommend giving milk to cats, but, at the same time, they allow the use of yogurt. So, we are looking into whether or not it is healthy to give yogurt to cats.
Milk contains lactose, which is very poorly digested by cats and can cause colic or indigestion. But yogurt contains live microorganisms – bifidobacteria, which positively affect the work of the intestines. So the question arises, can cats eat yogurt?
Are there health benefits of yogurt for my cat?
Yogurt is a dietary fermented milk product; the consistency resembles sour cream. It is obtained using the fermentation process: fresh cow’s milk is fermented with a starter bacteria – thermophilic streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus. As a result, these healthy bacteria enrich the drink with nutrients.
Yogurt is known for its probiotic content. Probiotics are live healthy bacteria, the so-called “good bacteria.” They improve the intestinal microflora, which, in turn, positively affects the immune system and overall well-being. Plain yogurt contains probiotics in excess — this is one of the main reasons for its popularity.
In addition to probiotics, this product contains many vitamins and trace elements:
- Calcium
- Vitamins A, B, C, D
- Phosphorus
- Iodine
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Fluorine
- Iron
The ratio of calcium and phosphorus in yogurt is optimal for forming your pet’s intestinal flora. Yogurt also improves a cat’s appetite and is necessary for the effective functioning of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and nervous systems. With the help of enzymes contained in yogurt, toxins are removed from the body of domestic adult pets.
READ MORE: Are Probiotics Good For Cats? (Vet Advice)
Natural unsweetened yogurt is especially useful for pregnant or nursing cats. Expectant mothers need additional nutrition, trace elements, and vitamins. It can supplement the diet of nursing and pregnant pets with the necessary calcium, protein and live bacteria. And any cat will not be harmed by an additional source of strengthening bones, teeth and claws.
Yogurt will be necessary to the diet if the pet is recovering from an illness or surgery. The live bacteria contained in this dairy product will help restore the balance of the intestinal microflora of the pet. Also, yogurt is helpful if a pet is on antibiotics for a long time, as they kill beneficial bacteria.
Due to the content of live bacteria, the unsweetened product helps with gastrointestinal problems, such as lactose intolerance, chronic indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, colon cancer, intestinal inflammation, and Helicobacter pylori infection, which is the cause of many stomach diseases, including ulcers. The beneficial bacteria improve the acidity of the digestive system, which helps prevent many problems long before they appear. [1]
The benefits of product also help to prevent oral diseases; many infections appear precisely because of the lack of living bacteria in the body. Pets who regularly eat this are protected from stomatitis and gum inflammation.
Immunomodulators began to enter veterinary practice not so long ago, but they can also be successfully replaced with a homemade product made from live bacteria. Bacteria stimulate immune cells in the intestines of animals, and the pet becomes less susceptible to various diseases and its life span is extended.
Another positive effect of this dairy product is preventing and treating worm diseases. Since yogurt contains bifidobacteria, they help restore the intestinal microflora and prevent the appearance of worms.
Natural homemade product is indispensable for stomach disorders in cats. For the pet to recover as soon as possible, you need to give your pet 1-2 teaspoons of yogurt a day, preferably with bifidobacteria or lactobacilli. If, after natural product, the pet has an upset stomach or itching and rash appear, then you should contact a veterinarian; most likely, the pet is allergic to fermented dairy products. [2]
Can cats have yogurt?
Owners cannot give large quantities of product to their cat instead of specialized food. But for the prevention of gastrointestinal tract diseases, yogurt in small amounts is very useful for pets. But before giving your pet this dairy product, you definitely need to talk to your veterinarian, who knows all the features of a pet’s body.
If your cat has frequent digestive problems, including regular bouts of diarrhea, you can ask a veterinarian about introducing several tablespoons of product a week into its diet.
The live bacterias in yogurt work with the cat’s natural bacteria to soothe the digestive system and the stomach. It can also help stimulate appetite if your kitten has been eating less lately.
Yogurt can also be a useful therapy for kittens who crave milk but who are more than twelve weeks old. Unlike most dairy products, this product contains bacteria that promote the digestion of lactose, so kittens can occasionally snack on this dairy treat without stomach upset.
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How much yogurt can I give my cat?
Your cat’s diet may contain only a few tablespoons of plain yogurt per week, and Greek products contains the largest number of beneficial bacteria.
You can give your pet 1-2 tablespoons of yogurt 1-2 times a week. Homemade product is the healthiest, as the animal owner will be sure that there are no harmful additives in them. You can not give pets too high-fat yogurt; the optimal is 3-6%, acceptable up to 9%.
Сan cats eat yogurt with additives? Do not buy yogurt if it contains thickeners – starch, gelatin or tapioca. A natural product is thick, but this density must be achieved naturally due to the fermentation. The Lactobacillus bulgaricus is necessarily present in yogurt and Lactobacillus acidophilus is introduced additionally.
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Shelf life is the main indicator of the naturalness of product. “Live” yogurt is stored from 5 to 20 days. However, some manufacturers guarantee the viability of bacteria for up to 30 days with proper storage.
Pay attention to the packaging. Polypropylene is completely safe in this regard. Such a product has a long shelf life, but it is useless for health. Do not buy yogurt with the label “The product has been heat-treated after the fermentation process” on the packaging.
Frozen yogurts, even those containing live bacteria, are not so useful. Lactobacilli are a sensitive substance and not all kinds survive after being in the freezer. Do not store product for the future and do not freeze it.
Do not give your pet yogurt with fillers (fruits, signs, nuts, etc.). In this article, we are talking about a natural product without additives. Flavored yogurts usually contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, which should always be avoided in your cat’s diet. They also often contain flavorings, additives and other ingredients that can harm a cat’s health. For example, vanilla-flavored yogurt may include ethanol, which is toxic to cats.
Can yogurt give cats an upset stomach?
Yogurt can cause allergies in some pets, manifested by intestinal disorders. Usually, not all cats are allergic, but only certain types of product. More often, symptoms appear if the cat eats yogurt with added sugar or artificial sweeteners. It is worth avoiding yogurts with fat substitutes – they can also cause allergies.
Symptoms may appear both immediately and after 1-2 days. After eating yogurt, symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and flatulence may appear relatively quickly. If a cat has a confirmed yogurt allergy, excluding the product from its diet is necessary.
Symptoms of an allergy in cats:
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Flatulence
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
If a cat has any of these symptoms, especially diarrhea, lack of appetite or abdominal pain, immediately contact a veterinarian to find out the cause. In order to correctly interpret the symptoms, the veterinarian will prescribe the necessary tests and conduct a physical examination of the cat. All this information helps to find the correct diagnosis.
An allergy to yogurt is diagnosed by excluding other possible diseases; for example, infection with intestinal parasites or hypersensitivity to flea bites. Analysis of feces allows you to detect parasites that cause bloating and gasification. Skin diseases are determined by the results of cytological examination of a skin scraping.
Unfortunately, there are no tests yet to diagnose food allergies in cats. The main way to diagnose it is when a suspected source of allergens is excluded from the diet. The exclusion period should be at least twelve weeks. During this time, all the ingredients of the eaten food are completely removed from the body and allergy symptoms should disappear. Bowel problems usually go away after 1-3 weeks. Skin symptoms persist much longer, as the skin takes longer to recover. If there are no signs of allergies during this time, the suspected food product is added to the diet again.
Also, there are no special ways to treat food allergies – the veterinarian’s efforts aim to eliminate the symptoms. If the cat itches, glucocorticoid or antihistamines are prescribed to reduce itching and eliminate inflammation. External agents can be used – liquids, ointments, or sprays applied directly to the damaged areas. If a secondary skin infection has developed, the cat is prescribed a course of antibiotics. [3]
If yogurt causes intestinal problems in a cat, therapy will treat them. These can be antiemetic and antidiarrheal drugs, which relieve intestinal irritation. The veterinarian will prescribe medications based on the totality of the observed symptoms.
The success of treatment is determined by whether the cause of the allergy has been established. If the cause was yogurt, it should be excluded from the cat’s diet – this is the best way to help the animal. The recovery time depends on the severity of the observed symptoms.
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What should I do if my cat eats yogurt?
The owner should choose the right product. Yogurt is usually given to a cat in the amount of 5-10% of the total diet. Fermented milk products can contain fat from 0 to 25%, most often 2-3%. Do not use completely fat-free; they contain additional components that are needed to improve the taste, which can cause itching or discharge from the eyes of the animal. Do not give fatty sour cream and cheese if there are diseases of the liver and pancreas.
Dairy products are a good source of nutrients for cats, and they also contain many vitamins and minerals. Do not force it on the cat; you do not need to torture the animal.
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Can cats eat Greek yogurt?
The best and safest option for cats is yogurt without artificial additives. Unflavoured Greek yogurt is free of sugar, carbohydrates, and calories and contains more protein and calcium. This product is the best and safest option and can be given to a cat. However, carefully read the ingredients to ensure that the product does not contain artificial sweeteners for animals.
Why do cats love yogurt?
The live bacteria contained in the product are good for the cat’s immune system, and probiotics are needed to maintain the health of the digestive system. If your pet has recently experienced poisoning or stomach-related surgery, yogurt will help him recover faster.
Can yogurt make cats sick?
Yogurt can cause allergies in some cats, manifested by intestinal disorders. Usually, not all cats are allergic, but only certain types of product. Symptoms often appear if the cat eats yogurt with added sugar or artificial sweeteners.
What foods are cats not allowed?
You shouldn’t give your pets yogurt with fillers (fruits, nuts, etc.). In this article, we are talking about natural yogurt without additives. Flavored yogurts usually contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, which should always be avoided in your cat’s diet. They also often contain flavorings, additives, and other ingredients that can harm the cat’s health. For example, vanilla-flavored yogurt may include ethanol, which is toxic to cats.
Article Sources:
- Goss, Tricia. “12 Human Foods That Are Safe for Your Cat to Eat.” WKBW, 17 Oct. 2017,
- Baker, G., and G. Czarnecki-Maulden. “Comparative Nutrition of Cats and Dogs.” Annual Reviews, 28 Nov. 2003,
- Watson, Tim. “Diet and Skin Disease in Dogs and Cats.” The Journal of Nutrition | Oxford Academic, 1 Dec. 1998,

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