Can Dogs Eat Popcorn: Is Popcorn Safe For Dogs?
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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by Dr. Linda Simon
Dr. Linda Simon is a veterinary surgeon working with seven years of experience. She is a fellow of the British Veterinary Association and specializing in animal medicine. Also, she has been the Woman magazine resident vet for the past two years and writes a regular column for them, focusing on pets and their health.
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Updated on: 06/15/2023
Popcorn is a type of corn, a complex carbohydrate. People love to snack on this treat, but is popcorn safe for dogs? Dogs often like the crunchy texture of popcorn and can enjoy it as a healthy snack in small amounts. Air-popped corn can be a good source of fiber, vitamins, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and manganese.
Popcorn is made from two types of corn: “butterfly” corn, which is widely used in movie theaters and microwave sets, and the more rounded “mushroom.” The latter is used on automatic lines to produce ready-made air-popped corn for sale in jars and glazed mixtures.
But, if you need more clarification about the safety of a product, do not give it to your dog.
The first time popcorn is eaten, make sure you monitor your dog for any choking event or reaction.
DVM Linda Simon
Are there any Health Benefits Of Air Popped Popcorn for Dogs?
Air-popped corn is a relatively healthy food for humans and dogs on its own and in moderation. Popcorn has a high nutritional value, and the calorie content of natural popcorn without any additives is about 380 kcal per 100g. Natural corn is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable minerals.
- Popcorn contains tiny B vitamins: Riboflavin and thiamine, which are beneficial for vision, digestion, and energy levels.
- Corn is rich in minerals that the body needs to maintain vital processes. Popcorn also contains polyphenols, which have powerful antioxidant properties, and the product can prevent the development of cancer and heart disease.
- Corn kernels are rich in fiber, which helps lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol. In addition, other types of corn and cornmeal are typical ingredients in commercially available dog foods designed to supplement and fill kibbles.
Note that the positive properties of corn listed above are relevant only for a natural product prepared without using flavors, fat, flavor enhancers, and other additives.
The Harm When Dogs Eat Popcorn
The air-popped corn cooked on industrial machines in heavy oils and coated in salt and oil flavorings that you buy at a movie theater, local stadium, fair, or street festival tends to be so loaded with additives and chemicals that it cancels out the entire nutritional value of the product.
Popcorn in the microwave is just as bad. The average healthy adult dog should receive no more than 10 mg of sodium per pound of body weight per day. According to Consumer Reports, the most common brands of microwave air-popped corn contain 150 to 300 mg per serving!
1. Can dogs eat popcorn with butter?
Buttered air-popped corn is not something we should offer. It contains a lot of fat and, therefore, calories (a large serving can contain about 1200 calories). In addition, corn frying oil can negatively affect the lungs. When heated in flavoring oil with diacetyl, which is used to fry popcorn, toxic substances are formed. If the oil is not changed, then carcinogens and trans fats accumulate in it, which may lead to cause cancer and lung problems.
2. Can Dogs Eat Popcorn With Salt?
Aromatic and flavoring additives are not always well tolerated by dogs and can potentially lead to stomach upsets. Too much salt causes intense thirst and can affect the water balance. Other air-popped corn varieties, such as cheddar cheese, contain dairy, which can lead to flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea. Also, some of the seasonings used in popcorn, such as garlic, are toxic to dogs.
3. Can Dogs Eat Kettle Corn or Caramel Popcorn?
Excessive sweeteners flavorings, and chemical preservatives make each of these popcorn varieties hazardous to the health of our pets. Caramel air-popped corn, sugar popcorn, and other sweet or glazed popcorn pose a range of risks to your dog. They may contain artificial sweeteners such as xylitol, which are toxic to pets. Some types of sweet glaze, such as chocolate, are also toxic. Sugar can lead to obesity and diabetes in dogs much faster than in humans. Plus, it’s bad for their teeth.
Fats and condiments aren’t the only potential hazards associated with eating air-popped corn for your dog. Unopened or partially opened grains can cause damage to the dog’s teeth or even choking events in small pets. In addition, popcorn shells can get stuck in your four-legged friend’s teeth, causing irritation or damage to the gums. [1]
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How to Safely Feed Your Dog Popcorn
If you really want to share air-popped corn with your dog, it’s worth going for the unflavored popcorn option without any preservatives.
Corn itself is not harmful – additives in industrial production are harmful. You can make air-popped corn at home, which will be just as tasty but far from being as high-calorie and carcinogenic. Simply heat raw corn kernels in a frying pan. It is better not to use salt and sugar. We can fry it in olive oil.
There is a lot of fiber in corn, which helps to normalize the digestive tract and peristalsis. Fiber also speeds up metabolism, lowers blood sugar, and helps bulk up stools.
What happens if a dog eats too much popcorn?
If the pet grabs one or two grains that have fallen on the floor, most likely, nothing bad will happen to it. However, it should be monitored for signs of vomiting or diarrhea if the air-popped corn contains any additives. If these symptoms are observed and do not go away within a day, you should call your veterinarian.
If your pet manages to snatch air-popped corn made with various toppings such as butter or cheddar cheese, any GI signs should be mild, and we can usually manage these dogs from home. And if the owner regularly shares such treats with the dog, it is important to stop doing this as soon as possible and go to the veterinary clinic for an examination.
The most common and obvious dog reactions to butter popcorn are vomiting and diarrhea. While these symptoms usually go away on their own, pets that consume seasoned air-popped corn in excess can develop more serious health problems, such as dehydration. Obesity and weight gain can also result from regularly feeding pets popcorn made for humans.
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Final Thoughts
A handful of popcorn won’t hurt a dog. And yet, feeding an animal air-popped corn is not the best idea. Unopened kernels can easily enter the pet’s mouth. They can provoke indigestion less often – leading to problems with the teeth. If your dog has swallowed popcorn and is showing symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, call your veterinarian.
People also ask
What happens if my dogs eat popcorn kernels?
As a general rule, any air-popped corn with oils or other ingredients should be kept away from your dog as these ingredients can cause problems for your dog.
How much popcorn can I give my dog?
It is important to remember that a pet needs not only a certain number of calories but also the right balance of nutrients. You should not feed her air-popped corn in excess so as not to upset this balance.
Can dogs eat microwave popcorn?
Microwaveable popcorn should not be given to a dog. The average healthy adult dog should receive no more than 10 mg of sodium per pound of body weight per day. Common brands of microwave popcorn contain 150 to 300 mg per serving!
Can dogs eat popcorn in moderation?
A small amount of popcorn without oil or seasoning can be a good snack for a pet. Pure air-popped corn is a source of calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins B6, A, E, and K, folic acid (B9), niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2), thiamin (B1) and pantothenic acid (B5).
Article Sources:
- ”Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?” By Anna Burke Published: Sep 01, 2022,

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