Cat Breeds That Don’t Shed: 16 Cats That Don’t Shed a Lot

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Scott Jeffrey
Scott Jeffrey

Author: Scott Jeffrey

Scott is a professional blogger with 12+ years of experience in writing, and holds an MA in anthropology. He has two cats as housemates. Also, Scott is passionate to research on pet-related topics such as dog training, puppy feeding, and cat health.

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Updated on: 05/12/2023

If you have been cleaning up after your cats throughout the spring by being brushed regularly, lint rollers, and picking up chunks of hair throughout your home, you might be wondering if you could find a breed that could shed less.

Many owners have a similar problem with cat hair each year. It can be hard to keep up with the shedding, especially if you have allergies. If you are looking for a cat that doesn’t shed, there are quite a few breeds that don’t shed to choose from.

cats that dont shed

While there is no such thing as 100% non-shedding cats, there are certainly some that shed less than others. This article will count down the top low shedding breeds to help make your search easier.

What causes shedding in cats?

Before we get into the different breeds, it’s essential to understand a little bit about what causes shedding.

There are actually two types of shedding that can occurs – seasonal and non-seasonal. Seasonal shedding occurs when the days get shorter, and the temperature drops, and this is because cats have a “light-sensitive” hormone in their body called melatonin.

As the days get shorter, this hormone is produced at higher levels and causes the cat’s coat to go into “rest mode”. This means that the hair follicles will grow less hair, and the existing hair will start to loosen and fall out.

This type of shedding is normal and nothing to worry about. In fact, you might even notice that your cat starts to shed less during the summer months when the days are longer.

Non-seasonal shedding, on the other hand, can be caused many of different things, including stress, poor nutrition, allergies, hormonal imbalances, and certain medical conditions. If your kitty is shedding more than usual, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

Of course, cats with certain hair types or those predisposed to low shedding will ensure that you can see less loose hair from your cat.

The best cat breeds that don’t shed:

1. Cornish Rex

cornish rexPhoto from Freepik
Weight:6-10 lbs
Height:8-12 inches
Lifespan:11-15 years
Best for:Active owners

The Cornish Rex is a red-haired cat that can be very short-haired, and their coat lies close to the body. They are a playful and energetic breed and can be a fun and active pet choice. They shed less, primarily due to their hair being short and nearly hairless.

2. Burmese

burmese catPhoto by @julijasulkovska from Freepik

The Burmese are short and small cats with very short hair it sheds less than other breeds, and they have plenty of affection for their owners. They are great at the game fetch but can become very dependent on their owners.

Weight:8-12 lbs
Height:8-12 inches
Lifespan:10-15 years
Best for:Owners who will be home often and attentive

3. Birman

birman cat
Weight:6-10 lbs
Height:8-14 inches
Colors/PatternWhite and brown/black
Lifespan:10-15 years
Best for:Families with pets or young children

This breed has a super fluffy coat but requires very little grooming. As a result of their low maintenance coats, this breed does not shed, does not mat, and can be affectionate, gentle, and loving. This is a beautiful pet if you have children or other pets in your home too.

4. Exotic Shorthair

exotic shorthair
Weight:10-12 lbs
Height:10-12 inches
Colors/PatternWhite, brown, gray
Lifespan:8-15 years
Best for:Families, seniors, other pets

These pets are sometimes described as the short-haired version of a Persian. Exotic Shorthair is medium-sized cats with a thick coat that does not shed and are a very relaxed breed. The exotic Shorthair can be an affectionate cat and is perfectly suited to living in smaller spaces like apartments.

5. Russian Blue

russian blue catPhoto by @magryt from Freepik
Weight:7-15 lbs
Height:19-12 inches
Colors/PatternGray to Blue
Lifespan:15-20 years
Best for:Families where they will be the only cat

The Russian Blue will shed a bit over 2-3 weeks of the year, but they are easy to groom. They can also be known for their very gentle nature and because they are very easy to train. They have a double coat and this is what makes them low shedders.

READ MORE: Gray Cat Breeds

6. Siamese

purebred siamesePhoto by @lifeonwhite from Freepik

A Siamese cats has a very low maintenance coat and can be cared for by brushing them with a fine tooth comb. Their undergrowth of dead hair can be removed with a brush and the kitty sheds minimally after that. The Siamese cats can come in a number of different colors and they are a joy to own.

Weight:8-15 lbs
Height:8-10 inches
Colors/PatternGray, black and white
Lifespan:10-15 years
Best for:Best for families as a single cat

READ MORE: About Mixed Siamese Cats

7. Sphynx

sphynx catPhoto by @mvg6892 from Freepik
Weight:6-12 lbs
Height:8-10 inches
Colors/PatternHairless, all colors and patterns
Lifespan:8-14 years
Best for:Pet owners seeking a cat that often behaves like a dog

The sphynx is a completely hairless cat that many people grab to lower cat allergies. They are a great option if you want to reduce shedding too. They has a very small amount of hair on its body, almost resembling a peach fuzz. They will require basic groom, most of which is is wiping down their bodies to reduce the oil that can pool along their skin.

READ MORE: Sphynx Cat

8. Donskoy

donskoy cat portraitPhoto by @photohobo from Freepik
Weight:6-12 lbs
Height:11-12 inches
Colors/PatternRubber Bald, Flocked, Velour, and Brush
Lifespan:12-15 years
Best for:Pet owners that want just one cat

This type of cat can be found in 4 different types. The one main type is completely hairless and this is what makes this cat an excellent option for those that want to reduce shedding. The very small amount of hair that the Donskoy cat breed has may be very soft to the touch. Their lack of hair comes from genetic mutation, so the amount of coat varies from cat to cat.

9. Bombay

bombay kittenPhoto by @lifeonwhite from Freepik
Weight:8-15 lbs
Height:13-20 inches
Lifespan:9-13 years
Best for:Pet owners seeking active and curious cats

This black cat resembles a tiny panther. They have short and tight coats compared to other breeds of cats and this requires a very minimal amount of maintenance. With just an occasional brushing, they will be able to reduce shedding. They are a breed that can be friendly and easygoing, but they do need regular stimulation.

10. Bengal

what food is the best for bengal catsImage Irina_kukuts from Pixabay
Weight8-17 lbs
Height13-16 inches
Colors/PatternLeopard spots
Lifespan10-16 years
Best forPet owners seeking energetic and loving companions

The Bengal cat is very affectionate and super athletic. They love to play and are some of the world’s most intelligent cat breeds. The look of these cats resembles a tiny leopard. They are soft to the touch and have very short coats that do not shed much.

READ MORE: Best Cat Food for Bengals (Vet Approved Review)

11. Ocicat

ocicat catPhoto by Volchanskiy from Getty Images
Weight:6-15 lbs
Height:9-11 inches
Colors/PatternSpotted with some stripes
Lifespan:12-14 years
Best for:Pet owners seeking outgoing, energetic pets

The Ocicat is a breed that also sheds very minimally compared to other felines, and the breed has a very short coat. With just a weekly brushing, you can remove the extra hair on their undercoat and make sure that you can keep shedding down. They are some of the happiest and most active cats you can own, and they come in coats like a fawn, lilac, blue and cinnamon style.

READ MORE: Cats That Look Like Leopards

12. Singapura

singapura cat

This is one of the smallest cat breeds, and it is also one of the best for shedding. They are known for their great personality, and they are perfect for small apartments. They have a short brown coat that sheds quite moderately and requires very little grooming. They are intelligent as well as very curious.

Weight:4-8 lbs
Height:7-8 inches
Colors/PatternTiger stripe, white, gray
Lifespan:9-15 years
Best for:Smaller spaces and owners with other pets

13. Korat

korat catPhoto by @stui_badman from Freepik
Weight:6-10 lbs
Height:9-13 inches
Colors/PatternGray to black
Lifespan:10-15 years
Best for:Owners that want an active and playful pet

The Korat breed is a silver-tipped blue feline that usually sheds much less than other felines. They have a coat that sheds very lowly and are often considered very playful and intelligent pets. They are great for pet owners who want a comfortable, relatively low-energy cat.

14. Tonkinese

tonkinese catBrit
Weight:6-12 lbs
Height:8-10 inches
Colors/PatternWhite to gray and brown
Lifespan:12-18 years
Best for:People that want an easy pet to train

These cats are known for having a very short and silky coat. They can come in 12 different color patterns and are always pleased to have another kitty in the house. They are excellent companion cats and they are known for being fun-loving.

READ MORE: Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

15. Colorpoint Shorthair

orange colorpoint shorthair kitten
Weight:6-12 lbs
Height:11-14 inches
Colors/PatternRed, Cream point, Seal, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac, Blue Cream, Lilac Cream, Tortoise Shell, Orange Tabby, lynx point, colorpoint
Lifespan:8-12 years
Best for:Pet owners that want a very affectionate pet

This breed is closely related to the Siamese family and they have the same kind of short hair. They require very little grooming and they are highly talkative and affectionate animals. They are known for being a great option for companion pets for their owners. They are known for being very dependable, intelligent and ready to play games.

READ MORE: Colorpoint Shorthair Cat Breed History, Temperament and Personality

16. Minskin

minskin kitten
Weight:6-9 lbs
Height:5-7 inches
Colors/PatternGray, hairless, white,
Lifespan:12-14 years
Best for:Small spaces and those seeking an energetic pet

This is a cross between the munchkin and the hairless sphynx cat. They often have a very patchy coat and soft fur around their faces. Their ears, nose, legs, and tails can all have a patchy style of hair and are known for being quite outgoing. They love other people and other animals. They often can present with shorter legs and are quite energetic for such a small kitty.

READ MORE: Smallest Cat Breeds


What breed of cat sheds the least?

The breeds that will shed the least are likely the Sphynx or Donskoy either of these breeds are considered to be hairless cat breeds and will not shed.

What is the most low-maintenance cat?

Even though they are not hairless, the Tonkinese is one of the best low-maintenance cats you can get. They have very short hair, and they are super easy to train.

Is there a non-shedding breed of cat?

The hairless breeds of cats will not shed but can require some help with cleaning like a regular wipedown to prevent oils from forming along their skin. Even though you won’t find hair across the house, they still have very small hair that they can shed.

Which cat breeds shed the least?

The breeds that shed the least are the hairless cats. You can also consider semi-hairless cats like Minskin for less shedding.

Overall, if you can find a cat that can be low maintenance with reduced shedding, you can count yourself very lucky as a pet owner. Try some of these top pet breeds if you are interested in finding a cat with less shedding.