Fluffy Cat Breeds: The Fluffiest Cat Breeds You Can Own
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Author: Scott Jeffrey
Scott is a professional blogger with 12+ years of experience in writing, and holds an MA in anthropology. He has two cats as housemates. Also, Scott is passionate to research on pet-related topics such as dog training, puppy feeding, and cat health.
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Viewed: 1325
Updated on: 10/19/2022
Whether you are a cat owner or someone looking for their first cat, finding a fluffy cat breed can be a fantastic idea for your next pet. Even though there are an estimated 6 million felines on the planet, we currently have about 73 breeds of cats in classification. [1]
Long-haired cats are often considered the fluffiest, and even though there are a few types of cats categorized as long hair breeds, they are great representatives of beautiful pets when they are cared for in the right way.
Many pet owners choosing a new cat are interested in finding a pet that’s going to have the softest coat or the most luxurious long hair. Choosing a pet that suits both of these requirements isn’t always easy, but there are plenty of unique breeds that can help you find just the type of coat you want in your pet.
In this article, we will detail some of the fluffiest breeds that you can own, how to care for them, and what you can expect from these breeds. So read on to learn more about what breed of fluffy cat might be the best fit for you!
How to Care for Fluffy Cats?
Caring for long-haired or fluffy cats can sometimes be a little more complicated than with some shorter hair breeds. The spring and autumn often require a bit more work if you have a long-haired felines because they will shed their winter fur and get ready for each upcoming season. The lighter summer coat is designed to protect cats from UV radiation while also giving them a lighter layer of insulation.
You might notice that your cat is a bit less fluffy in the summer but can better regulate its temperature. This is because many cats that live indoors will often shed extensively between the seasons.
You can make things easier on your cats by providing plenty of hairball treats or with a special diet [2] to help them properly digest the hair they are grooming. You can also consider brushing your cat regularly to help with the discomfort and control some of the hair that would otherwise end up around your home.
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What Breed has the Fluffiest Cat?
1. Persian
The Persians are often considered to be one of the most popular breeds in the world. It’s also one of the fluffiest as it has a long and flowing coat. They are known for being excellent family pets, and they have voices that are known to be quite pleasant.
2. Exotic shorthair
The exotic shorthair doesn’t have the long flowing hair you would get with a Persian, but it is one of the most popular fluffy cats. They are known for the minimal amount of grooming that an owner will have to do with them and for their cute temperament.
3. Somali
These types of cats are known for being extremely active and friendly, and they have a very rich and soft coat. Somali require regular combing, but they are also reasonably good at keeping up with their own coat maintenance. Theу have a coat that generally resembles the same color of a long-haired fox in a smaller proportion.
4. Japanese bobtail (longhair type)
A Japanese bobtail cat comes in short hair and long hair variety. Bobtails have a series of fused vertebrae that turn their tails in the small pom-poms. They have a very loving nature and require a bit of care with regular brushing. They have a coat that is in a midrange level between a long hair and a shorthair, and they are also relatively active.
5. Maine Coon
A Maine Coon is an extremely long-haired and active kitty. They often grow to large sizes, nearly to the size of some wild cats. The problem with such a large breed and such a large coat are that Maine coons often require a bit more grooming. Owners need to step in and provide TLC when needed as this breed can suffer from large hairballs and mats if they don’t have proper help, and are often walking outdoors.
6. Birman
The Birman is a very unique long-haired breed because it has a single coat that’s very easy to manage. Birmans don’t often experience any type of tangles, but they still shed. Removing the older hair and ensuring that the dead hair is removed from the coat can be important. Overall, these cats are pretty and well temperament it is well.
7. Ragdoll
This type of cat is extremely affectionate and also very fluffy. Ragdolls are excellent companions and are known for flopping down on the floor like a ragdoll. The hair of a Ragdoll may not be as thick or as long as some other breeds, but they are still a very fluffy breed that falls to a medium range of care for your grooming and intervention.
8. Siberian
The Siberian cat is a very rare breed that is often bred for highly active owners. They’re known for being very low maintenance because they spend most of their time outside, and they have a very energetic temperament. Siberian love to play in water that’s a good idea to get them accustomed to baths and swimming early on.
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9. Norwegian Forest Cat
This is an extra fluffy cat that can be pretty rare for domestication. These cats are commonly confused with Maine coons for their size and are known for their extremely fuzzy fur that requires ongoing maintenance from those the owner and from the cat. Most owners that have a Norwegian Forest cat rely on regular grooming appointments to make sure that their pet can enjoy the best care.
10. British Shorthair
Closely related to the exotic shorthair, this cat looks like a teddy bear with its coat. These cats are fluffy but with a soft and dense layer of fur. British Shorthair is a very patient breed but don’t mind being left alone, and they can be a perfect breed if you are looking for a low-maintenance pet that will be loyal.
Which Fluffy Cat has the best Temperament?
1. Persian cats
Persians are known to be fluffy but also to have some of the best temperaments for a family pet.
2. Ragdolls
Ragdolls are commonly cited as one of the most affectionate breeds. Unfortunately, these cats often find an owner that they cling to, and they are best known for becoming shadows to their owners. With a Ragdoll, you are likely to have a pet that follows you around the house.
3. British shorthair
British Shorthairs are some of the most loyal and patient cat breeds in the world. If you’re looking for a shorthaired breed that will have a fluffy and dense coat, they are a great choice.
4. Japanese bobtail longhair
These are pets that are also well known for their loyalty and for being easy to live with. Making the choice for this breed will make sure you end up with a loving pet.
Larger breeds of long-haired cats like the Maine coon can get a lot bigger, but because of the size difference, they are often the types of cats that can be more difficult to train. Persians or other varieties of well-behaved family pets are likely to be an easier option if you want a pet that will stay easier to care for and train.
Are Fluffy Cat Breeds Rare?
Fluffy cat breeds are comparatively rare. Not every kitty has the genetics in order to grow lush and fluffy fur. Only a few cats have the tendency to grow fur that is thick enough or long enough to be classified as a fluffy breed.
Some breeds like the Norwegian Forest cat and Siberian cats are extremely rare breeds to find in many local markets. You’ll likely need to track down a specialty breeder or go to an area where these kitties are more common. It’s also important to keep in mind that these rare breeds often require extra care and are incredibly active.
Which Fluffy Cat Breeds have the softest fur?
There are several breeds of cats that are known for having some of the softest hair with shorthair varieties, like the British shorthair having more of a teddy bear style coat, whereas ragdoll and Persian breeds are known for a longer and softer fur. Consider the type of bird you would like to pet regularly and the type of code that you’d like to care for when you are looking at a fluffy kitty.
Owning a fluffy kitty can be an incredible experience as a pet owner. Even though they can often experience more shedding and a greater need of care on the part of the owner, they make for great pets, and they provide some of the softest feeling coats out of any domesticated animal!
Article Sources:
- “Browse All Breeds.” The International Cat Association, tica.org/breeds/browse-all-breeds.
- Beynen, Anton C. Feline Hairball Control by Dietary Cellulose. researchgate.net/profile/Anton-Beynen/publication/308779316_Feline_hairball_control_by_dietary_cellulose/links/57efcf3108ae91deaa52393c/Feline-hairball-control-by-dietary-cellulose.pdf.

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