Kurilian Bobtail: Kurilian Bobtail Cat Personality, Health and Cost
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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Updated on: 11/02/2022
Kurilian Bobtail cat can be short-haired or semi-longhaired. They have a very friendly, balanced, and peaceful character. These cats are sociable with other animals and people. Thanks to this trait, these playful cats quickly adapt to any home environment and form a close bond with their family. Kurilian Bobtails are distinguished by excellent health, calmness, trustfulness, and sociability. They adapt well to any conditions of detention.
The World Cat Federation recognized the breed and adopted its standard on December 4, 1994. A feature of this breed is a short tail; the length varies between 2-3 inches. This is not a defect, but a naturally expressed genetic trait. The shape of the tail is always unique – it does not repeat, like fingerprints or the pattern of the iris of the eyes.
Weight | 11-15 pounds |
Height | 9-12 inches |
Colors and Patterns | tabby, traditional color, tortoiseshell, and tri-color |
Lifespan | 15-20 years |
Suitable for | Active families looking for an outgoing and friendly cat |
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History of the Kurilian Bobtail cat breed
The Kurilian Bobtail cat is a breed that originated naturally in the closed area of the Kuril Islands. According to one version, these casts are directly descended from the Japanese Bobtail, a well-known and ancient domestic breed. Once on the Kuril Islands several centuries ago, they experienced “secondary savagery” and acquired new hereditary traits. Another version says that these breeds originated as a result of a natural crossing of feral Japanese Bobtails with domestic Siberian cats brought to the Kuriles by settlers from Russia in the second half of the 20th century.
Unusual cats with short tails were popular with geologists and military and seasonal workers who arrived on the Kuril Islands. They taught them, and they often took them with them when it was time to return to the mainland; thus, the breed became known in the USSR. In the 1980s, the first Kuril Bobtail breeders appeared. They began to deliberately take cats out of the Kuril Islands for breeding. They also proved that its unusual tail is not a flaw or a deviation from the norm but a naturally inherited genetic trait. [2]
Interesting facts about the Kurilian Bobtail cat
- Fans of this breed believe that their pets can recognize about 1.5 thousand words and understand individual phrases.
- The sporting achievements of this breed include the ability to catch fish
- Bobtail claws are always extended.
The personality of the Kurilian Bobtail
The body of these cats is compact and muscular. The limbs are strong, the hind legs are longer than the front ones and the paws are round. The short tail has creases and bends to the touch, with one or more knots in various combinations. The hair on the tail is longer than on the rest of the body and forms a pom-pom. The head is large and trapezoidal in shape. Cheekbones are wide. The eyes are round, set wide and at a slight angle. The ears are medium-sized, relatively high set, and slightly tilted forward. The coat is short or medium length. The color for Bobtails is gray (blue), black, red (red), white, striped, brindle, two-tone or tortoiseshell.
The Kuril Bobtails were famous as unsurpassed hunters and fishermen in their historical homeland. They were not afraid of water; they knew how to swim and even dive. However, modern, domesticated cats have lost some of the Bobtails’ hunting skills. Today, this natural cat breed cats can be afraid of water, just like any ordinary cat. But they remain excellent mousers, catching all the mice in whichever area they live. Therefore, be prepared that your pet will go hunting every night and, in the morning, return with “trophies.” [1]
The owners of these pets often note some “doggy” traits in their character. Indeed, more often than cats of other breeds, these cats demonstrate attachment not to a place but to people. Such a pet can choose an “owner” from family members and follow them and, in this person’s absence, yearn like a dog. Another “dog” feature of the Kurilian Bobtail cat is its ability to fetch – if the owner throws a toy, the Bobtail will run after it and bring it back. These cats are ready to play this game endlessly.
The Kurilian Bobtail cat loves company and outdoor games and has a clearly manifested independence. Left alone at home, the Bobtail will be terribly homesick.
Due to their wild nature, these animals do not know how to meow like domestic cats. But they can make a lot of other sounds. When the pet wants something, it will try to “explain” it “in words,” making short “clattering” sounds. By the intonation of the voice, you can understand what mood your cat is in, what it wants and what it is trying to “tell” you. These animals can not only ask but also demand. If it seems to them that they have been deprived of something significant and necessary, they can begin to growl, howl loudly and even yell.
Kurilian Bobtails are very disciplined and quickly learn rules. Having at its disposal a clean tray, a good scratching post (and even better – a cat tree), and some interesting toys. It is enough to point out the existing ban once or twice, and it will understand everything and get used to the order.
Cats of this natural breed are very attentive and sensitive. The Kuril Bobtail will always observe your behavior and mood to “cheer up” or give valuable feline “advice” at the right moment.
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In the wild, these cats live only in groups. Alone, they do not exist. These animals run fast and can jump high and far, and they often climb rocky mountains in search of prey. They have a highly developed sense of smell and hunting instincts.
Outdoor walks are very important for Kuril Bobtails. You can walk your pet on a leash in the park or on the street. They perfectly tolerate snow, frost or heat, like their wild ancestors. This Kurilian bobtail cat breed with a short tail is well trained, quickly learns commands, brings toys in their teeth and jump over an obstacle. At the same time, pets of this Kurilian bobtail cat breed are distinguished by self-sufficiency and waywardness; therefore, they cannot be forced to do something against their will. Commands must be given in a clear, even voice and rewards for success with a treat. It is better not to extend the training session for more than 10 minutes, as the cat quickly gets bored with one type of activity.
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Care and Diet
Keeping a Kurilian Bobtail cat is easy. The main thing is to provide a place to spend time and play. Multifunctional complexes with several tiers, a stove bench, ladders, tunnels and a scratching post are perfect.
The cat hair has a water-repellent effect and also does not tangle. In this regard, pets do not require frequent combing. It is enough to groom them with a special brush 1-2 times a week.
Bathe your cat not more than once every 3-4 months. Once every 7-10 days, inspect the auricles and carefully remove the dirt that has appeared with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution. Also, wipe its eyes daily and shorten the claws about once every 10-15 days. Teeth should be brushed at least once a week.
The basis of the diet of the wild cat is a small game, rodents and fish. The diet of a domestic Kuril Bobtail should be as close to natural as possible: low-fat raw meat (beef, turkey, rabbit meat), boiled and raw eggs, sea fish, boiled vegetables, boiled offal, and cereal (buckwheat, cells). Meat and fish should make up at least 2/3 of the total amount of food consumed by the pet. It is not recommended to give dairy products and potatoes at all, because they are poorly absorbed.
With natural nutrition, it is important to add vitamin and mineral complexes to the diet. But ready-made, professional food already contains all the necessary components.
Kuril Bobtail kittens should be fed less than 5-6 times a day. Adults – twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. Serving size is calculated based on 30-35 grams of food per 1 kilogram of animal weight.
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Due to the harsh climate in their historical homeland, Kuril Bobtails are hearty. They also do not have a predisposition to genetic diseases. True, with age, domesticated Bobtails may develop problems with vision and the gastrointestinal tract, as well as urolithiasis or metabolic disorders.
For the prevention of diseases, it is important to carry out timely vaccination and deworming. To deter fleas or ticks, you should buy a special collar. If your cat gets sick – appetite is gone, weakness or vomiting appears – you cannot treat it yourself but immediately take it to the veterinarian.
In addition, the anatomical features of short-tailed cats can create some problems with defecation. Kurilian Bobtails, especially kittens, can sometimes have difficulty defecating (or defecating incompletely). Other than this issue, Kurilian Bobtails are distinguished by good health and live up to 15-20 years.
Even though the Kurilian Bobtail is a relatively young breed, it has already gained popularity due to its unusual appearance and amazing character.
Cats of this Kurilian bobtail cat breed are considered rare animals. Kurilian Bobtail cats cost between $700-$3,000. The price of Kurilian Bobtail kittens fluctuates quite a lot and depends on many parameters:
- Pedigree – The “cleaner” and longer it is and the more titled the parents (naturally, this must be documented), the higher the price.
- Gender – males will cost more than females.
- Color – Kittens of a rare color (for example, black or lilac), ceteris paribus, will cost more than the more common gray or red.
The character of the Kurilian Bobtail is very playful and soft. This cat is a true friend with whom you will never be bored. If you live in a private house and the cat recognizes you as the owner, after the hunt, it will even share prey with you. Its playfulness, intelligence and good nature will appeal to both adults and children.
Caring for the Kurilian Bobtail is quite easy, although long-haired ones can be considered an exception. On the other hand, even they only need more frequent combing of fur – nothing more. Moreover, their coat itself is not prone to clumps and tangles, so even long-haired Bobtails will not be an eternal headache for you.
Pros and Cons
- Unusual appearance.
- Smooth, friendly personality.
- Intelligence.
- Easy to discipline.
- Strong health.
- Moderate playfulness; loves to “fetch”.
- Likes to “chat”.
- Does not tolerate loneliness.
- Sometimes can demand something, making loud guttural howls.
- May have trouble passing a bowel movement.
How much does a Kurilian Bobtail cost?
Kurilian Bobtail cats cost between $700-$3,000.
Is the Kurilian Bobtail a rare cat breed?
The Kurilian Bobtail is a rare breed. The current population of Bobtails in North America is only about 100 cats.
Are Kurilian Bobtails hypoallergenic?
The Kurilian Bobtail is a hypoallergenic cat breed. But this breed must be carefully combed out, especially during molting. Also, the cat should be groomed twice a year.
Do Kurilian Bobtail cats shed?
The fur of these pets is extremely practical – it does not fall off due to the tougher and longer guard hair (awn), practically does not shed and hardly gets dirty. This adaptability of fur to wildlife makes it just as convenient for a city apartment.
Article Sources:
- “Kurilian Bobtail.” MedPets NL, medpets.nl/kurilian-bobtail/.
- “Kurilian Bobtail Breed.” TICA, tica.org/kurilian-bobtail-breeders?view=article&id=848:kurilian-bobtail-breed

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