Police Dog Names: 90+ Cool Police Dog Names
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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Viewed: 2733
Updated on: 05/09/2022
Brutal dog names immediately remind you of the police dogs. These names perfectly define the breed of police dogs, positioning them as true to their upbringing and character. But it can be challenging to choose one perfect nickname for your pet.
The German shepherd is a world-famous k9 military dog breed. The breed is also popular because it is truly loyal and obedient. It is not uncommon for pet owners to choose weird and creative names for their dogs, such as Lucky Goodsniffer or Miss Furbulous, to make the process of dog training more playful and fun. These nicknames are both funny and cool and are great for police dogs and can also be good names for German shepherds. The list below has some fun and popular names for k9 police dogs.
Of course, these nicknames are great for pets that are real police force dogs. But, even if your dog is an ordinary pet, these brutal names will still work. Choosing a nickname for a four-legged friend is challenging, especially choosing the right name for a pet that will be part of the canine patrol.
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There are three simple and essential tips for choosing a nickname for a police dog:
- If the k9 will be used as a fighting pet, don’t choose the name “Fluffy.” Pick a nickname that sounds tough and strong.
- Choose a nickname that suits its character.
- If the pet is energetic and cheerful, why not call it Turbo?
- As a result of your efforts, the four-legged officer will have a good nickname. The pet will spend a lot of time with you, so it’s good to choose a name representing the police.
Namespiration: Famous Real-Life Brave Police Dogs
Dogs are companions of our lives and true comrades on the battlefield. Since time immemorial, there have been many famous pets that have fought and given their lives while on important missions. The nicknames of former and now established cops are a great example when choosing famous police dog names for your smart pup. Below is a list of names for dogs that are associated with the police force:
- Archer (M) (English) – “one who bows”
- Badger (M) (English) – “fierce animals;” also associated with the police badge.
- Blizzard (F) (Thai) – “frost”
- Blue (M/F) (English) – “color nickname;” perfectly associated with the color of the police uniform.
- Bones (M) (Norman) – “good,” a nickname for a boy puppy.
- Buddy (M) – “comrade, friend, old man”
- Charger (M) – “a person who is a gift for a lifetime”
- Colonel (M) – (Middle French) – “military rank”
- Detective (M) – “one who serves to detect”
- Ghost (M) – (Old English) – “soul”
- Holster (M) – (Old English derivation) – “case for carrying firearms;” associated with a police pistol holster.
- Joan of Arc (F) – “servant;” associated with the national heroine of France. A very unusual nickname for a police force pet.
- Mercy (F) – (English) – “compassion;” a good nickname to give your female police pet.
- Pistol (M) – “firearms;” associated with a police pistol.
- Prowler (M) – “one who follows someone”
- Robocop (M) – (English) – “a person who walks with mortals”
- Sarge (M) – “sergeant, officer;” great nickname for a pet or police department pet
- Titan (M) – (Greek) – “mighty big man”
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Female Police Dog Names
There is a fine line between being cool and being elegant. This is especially true when you give a name to a female police dog. If you so desire, you can completely ignore gender when choosing a nickname for your pet . However, if you are looking for a name that is both tough and feminine at the same time, this will be quite difficult.
People really enjoy being owners of female German shepherds who can give birth to even more puppies. Here is our list of beautiful pet nicknames with strong meanings, and some of them will be perfect for your cute and cool female police pet.
- Alaska (Aleut) – “mainland”
- Andromeda (Greek) – “ruler of people”
- Bailey (M/F) (Middle English) – “manager”
- Cleopatra (Greek) – “the glory of his father;” it is a royal name for a female pet.
- Dakota (Siouan word) – “friendly;” a popular, unisex nickname inspired by famous actress Dakota Fanning.
- Diva (Italian) – “famous singer;” also a great nickname for your princess.
- Echo (Greek) – “rolling sound”
- Huntress (Anglo-Scottish) – “one who hunts;” – is one of the serious names for police dogs. Perfect for your hunter.
- Indiana – “land of the Indians;” this nickname also became very popular after the Indiana Jones film series.
- Jersey (English) – “grassy land;” this is a unisex nickname.
- Jinx (Latin) – “charm or spell”
- Juliet (English) – “young, soft-haired”
- Katniss (Latin) – “Sagittarius;” a plant with edible tubers.
- Leia (Jewish) – “tired;” good for a female police pet.
- Liberty (Old Latin) – “freedom;” also a legal term and an ideal nickname for a police pet.
- Mystique (English) – “bewitching aura of mystery.”
- Nyx (Greek) – “ghostly figure;” associated with the Greek goddess of the night.
- Olga (Russian) – “blessed, holy”
- Olympia (Greek) – “mountain of the gods”
- Pepper (F) (Middle English) – “the name of the spice;” cute name for your female German shepherd.
- Queenie – “queen;” is considered an affectionate version of the nickname for a royal lady.
- Raven (Middle English) – “wise;” commonly associated with the blackbird.
- Remington (English) – “city on the ridge;” is a unisex name that can be used for a male or female police pet.
- Sable (French) – “sand, black fur”
- Sadie (English) – “princess,” a common nickname that is used by owners of different breeds of dogs.
- Sheba (Arabic) – “kingdom”
- Tempeste (French) – “storm or tempest;” this is indeed a unique name for a police pet.
- Tiger (Middle English) – “powerful cat;” this unisex nickname can be used as a feminine or masculine name.
- Vice (Latin) – “change;” a gender-neutral name.
- Vixen (Old English) – “female fox;” also one of the best nicknames for police German shepherd dogs.
- Xena (Greek) – “hospitable;”Xena was a warrior queen.
- Yeti (Tibetan) – “small humanoid animal”
- Ziba (biblical) – “strength”
Tough Police Dog Names for Males
The list of strong dog names is quite long, so it should be easy for you to find the best nickname for your police dog. Here is another list, with many exciting variations of German shepherd police dog names.
- Ace (Old French word) – “one who stands out”
- Avalanche (Swiss) – “descent into the valley;” a fierce and strong name for your police dog.
- Axel (French, German) – “father of the world”
- Bane (English) – “cause of suffering”
- Blaze (English) – “flame”
- Blitz (German, Hebrew) – “lightning”
- Bolt (English) – “strongly built person”
- Boss (Dutch origin of the word) – “leader”
- Bruiser – “big man”
- Buck (English) – “deer;” a strong-sounding nickname for a serious k9 police pet.
- Bullet (Middle French origin of the word) – “small ball;” it is one of the coolest little k9 names for a police dog.
- Caesar (Latin) – “emperor”
- Callahan (Irish) – “light”
- Charlie (English) – “free man;” this is a unisex nickname for a German shepherd.
- Crash (Middle English) – “to smash;” a complex name for pets, ideal for the k9 breed
- Diesel – “fuel;” one of the strong names for a four-legged friend
- Donner (High German) – “dark warrior”
- Duke (Anglo-Norman) – “leader”
- Fang (Chinese) – “aroma, fang;” this is a unisex nickname that is great for a German shepherd.
- Goliath (Hebrew) – “to open”
- Gunner (Scandinavian origin of the word) – “warrior”
- Hercules (Latin) – “glory of Hera”
- Hulk (Middle English) – “big man”
- Jackson (Scottish-American) – “son of Jack.” This is a popular name, and a large number of owners use it for their German shepherds.
- Kaiser (German) – “hairy head or emperor;” a nickname suitable for your German shepherd.
- Kenneth (English) – “beautiful;” this is the perfect name for your beautiful pet.
- Mack (Latin) – “greatest”
- Magnum (Latin) – “big, great”
- Maverick (American) – “wildly independent”
- Maximus (Latin) – “greatest”
- Murphy (Irish) – “sea warrior;” the perfect nickname for male dogs that are not afraid of water.
- Nero (Sabina, Italian) – “strong, black;” it is a rare nickname inspired by ranger species.
- Odin (Old Norse) – “inspiration”
- Phantom (Latin) – “ghost;” is the most popular name for German shepherds.
- Rambo (Swedish) – “crow’s nest;” the perfect nickname inspired by the popular name of the male pet from Rambo.
- Rex (Latin) – “king”
- Rocky (German) – “rest;” this is a well-known name for a German shepherd, taken from Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky film series.
- Rogue (Middle French) – “unpredictable”
- Spike (American) – “long heavy nails”
- Sullivan (Irish) – “dark eyes”
- Tank (English, American origin/slang) – “vehicle” or “big and strong person”
- Thor (Old Norse origin) – “thunder.” The nickname is associated with the God of Thunder and with the superhero of Marvel comics.
- Thunderbolt (English) – “powerful thunder filled with lightening”
- Trapper (American) – “one who catches”
- Trooper (French) – “one who endures adversity”
- Vinnie (Latin) – “to be a conqueror”
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What is a good name for a police dog?
The names of former and now recognized police officers are a great source of inspiration for choosing a well-known nickname for your four-legged friend. Here is a list of pet names closely associated with the police: Archer, Badger, Blizzard.
What is a badass name for a dog?
To choose the best name for your military dog, check out these cool police dog names: Axel, Bullet, Diesel, Murphy, Phantom, Rocky.
What is the most popular police dog?
A Belgian shepherd nickname Diesel, who served in the RAID police unit, became famous after she died heroically during a military special operation to neutralize Islamic terrorists.
What’s the dog’s name in K-9?
Dog Coton, who played the police dog in 1989, was, indeed, a real police dog. The dog served in the Kansas City Missouri Police Department with a partner, Officer Patterson. During his service, Coton made more than twenty-four criminal arrests

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