Shichon: All About Shih Tzu Bichon Mix

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Vicki Smirnova

Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.

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Updated on: 03/16/2023

shichon dog breed

The Shichon is a mixed breed dog; its parents are the Bichon Frise and the Shih Tzu. The breed inherited the best qualities from both parents. These pets are affectionate, friendly, and intelligent. Puppies quickly adapt to a new home and are great for apartment living. They make excellent companion animals for the elderly, and their personality and temperament make them good friends.

Weight9-15 pounds
Height 9-12 inches
Colors and PatternsGray, Silver, Brown, Red, Cream, Black
Lifespan12-18 years
Suitable forHypoallergenic, apartment-friendly, good for first-time pet owners

History of the Breed

The Shichon breed mixes two popular dog breeds, the Shih Tzu and the Bichon Frise. Although this breed is considered relatively new, its popularity rapidly grows due to its cute appearance and affable disposition.

Even though the Shichon breed was created from a cross between parent breeds, a Shih Tzu and a Bichon Frise, its origins are a bit murky. Some sources state that the Shichon originated in the U.S. in the late 1990s when work began on crossing the two dog breeds. Other sources indicate that the Shichons were bred somewhere in Europe.

However, despite the various versions of the breed’s origin, everyone agrees that these dogs have become incredibly popular as pets due to their friendly and loyal nature. Shichons have a cute appearance, plush coats, and easy-going personalities, making them ideal companions for people of all ages and lifestyles.

Today, the Shichon breed continues to gain popularity worldwide, with more and more people falling in love with these small, funny dogs. They are ideal for apartment life, and they love exercising and playing outdoors. Shichons are very social and enjoy interacting with people and other animals, making them great friends and companions for everyone.

Interesting Facts about the Shichon Small Breed Dogs

  • The breed has several other names: “Zuchon” and “Tzu Frise.”
  • Shichons prefer to be supervised; paying enough attention to the dog is very important. These pets have a high level of energy and love to play ball.
  • Shichons shed very little and are suitable for people with mild allergies.
  • The most common colors are gray, silver, brown, red, cream, and black. The coat may be solid or spotted.
  • Shichons love children and other pets, but be careful that a child or a large pet does not accidentally injure it. 

Temperament and personality

shichon puppyPhoto by @jennyandthesummerday from Pixabay
Characteristicout 5
Playfulness        5
Activity Level    5
Friendliness to other pets                                         5
Friendliness to children5
Grooming requirements and shedding                                     3
Need for attention                                       5
Affectionate towards its owner                         5
Intelligence                                                3

Many owners describe their puppy’s personality as extroverted. Shichons are not prone to barking, but they are very energetic puppies. They are extremely attached to their family and cannot be left alone for a long time. A dog alone can whine, ruin furniture and otherwise cause havoc in the home. This breed is best suited if at least one family member is at home during the day or if you can take the dog with you to work.

They are ideal companions for seniors due to their caring and loving nature. However, the Shichon dog breed can be a bit stubborn. Combined with their high intelligence level, this can make homeschooling difficult. The pros of the small breed size is that you can potty train your puppy indoors, and this breed adapts well to apartment life.

Some breeds are quite independent and aloof, even if raised by the same person since puppyhood. Others are closely connected with one person and are indifferent to others. Some are “warm” with love for the whole family of the owner, and, in such situations, the breed is not the only factor influencing the level of affection. Keep in mind that dogs that are raised in a home with people around are more comfortable around people. Treats can help the dog form an attachment to you or family members, and they will help make the process of adjustment to the family smoother. Your goal is to help your pet see you as a provider and a guarantor of safety, but it is also essential to keep them healthy.

Shichon puppies are very friendly with children, as well as other pets. But other animals may attack or try to dominate the small breed dog Shichon. These puppies may treat strangers differently. They may be friendly and greet guests with wagging tails and wet noses, while others may be shy, indifferent, or aggressive. If your dog has interacted with a lot of people as a puppy, then the pet will respond better to strangers as an adult. Please note that even friendly dogs must be supervised to avoid harming others.

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Activity Level and Trainability

It is possible to train a Shichon mixed breed dogs, but it will always take work. Many owners need help with the character of the Shichon breed, but if you start training and rearing at a fairly young age and adhere to certain principles, you should be fine.

The most essential factor in the successful training of any dog ​​is to remain consistent and positive. Training with regular positive reinforcement will be very effective and make it easier to raise Shichons. It is necessary to start training and raising a dog early when your dog is still a puppy. You don’t have to wait for the puppy to grow up. It is recommended to start implementing the behavior model you would like to see from an early age; otherwise, you will greatly complicate your task.

Since Shichons are very friendly animals, they will happily please their owner by learning and performing interesting new tricks and commands. Another important aspect of successful training is teaching them how to behave in the company of other animals. The best way to socialize successfully is to introduce your pet to other dogs when they are young. Such an acquaintance and further friendship will help them learn to communicate, and, in the future, you will be glad that you did it on time.

The dog will need regular exercise daily to control and expend its energy. It can be a simple walk in the park or a game in the yard. The dog likes to play with children and adults and run around the yard after them. When your dog is still a puppy, it has a high level of energy, and, at this age, it is especially important to provide the puppy with exercise, running, and jumping. Physical activity tires not only the body but also the mind.

Even as your dog ages, you must ensure it gets enough exercise. A daily walk benefits the owner and the dog and can easily be added to your daily routine.

READ MORE: Shih Tzu and Yorkshire Terrier Mix

Lifespan and Health Issues Shichon Dog Breeds

Due to improper breeding, some Shichons are prone to genetic health problems, namely hip dysplasia. This fact does not mean that every dog ​​of a given breed will have this or a similar disease – it just means that the dog may be at a higher risk.

Information about the physical health of your potential puppy’s parents can be obtained from your shelter or breeder.

Some health problems can be related to bowel and digestive issues. Your dog’s diet must be supplemented with vitamins and minerals to keep it healthy and happy.

Shichon’s health is fairly high, given that it is a mixed-breed dog that has inherited several common health problems from its parents. Regular veterinary check-ups will help the owner ensure that the puppy is healthy and detect any problems at an early stage.

Dogs of this breed can have long coats that must be brushed daily. It is also important to check the eyes and ears for dust and debris and to clean them. A groomer and veterinarian can help you create a specific grooming schedule to keep your four-legged pet clean and healthy.

Small dog breeds are often prone to dental problems. Due to the short muzzle, Shichon can inherit a malocclusion, leading to poor oral health. It is necessary to brush its teeth, but your veterinarian will tell you how and how often to do this since each case is individual and depends on various factors.

The small body of the Shichon breed is considered very fragile and prone to fractures and broken bones. Despite this, Shichon loves to play and socialize with children and other puppies. At such moments, adults must supervise the process and, if necessary, tell children how to properly handle and play with a dog of this size. Even the most careful and gentle child can drop the dog during play, and, for Shichon, such an incident can result in a fracture.

Ability to gain weight. Just like in humans, being overweight causes health problems. Some dogs, due to a good appetite, gain excess weight. If you have chosen a dog of a breed that tends to gain weight intensively, you will need to carefully control the number of treats and their basic diet. It is also necessary to provide the dog with active physical exercises like running, jumping, and playing. In no case should you completely limit the dog’s access to food.

It is recommended to consult a veterinarian and write a specific and clear diet for your pet, taking into account its physical activity and the ability of the breed to gain excess weight. If your pet has problems with the gastrointestinal tract or digestion, you will need to switch from regular food to therapeutic or dietary food. These activities will help your dog feel better and improve its gastrointestinal and general physical condition.

Diet. Only a veterinarian can determine the best diet for your dog, and, at the time of the appointment and consultation, the vet will customize a meal plan tailored specifically for your dog based on its health, predisposition to weight gain, and other factors. Shichon eats dry food very well.

Small-breed dogs have a significant energy reserve, and dog food will help your dog feel full. Overfeeding dogs is not recommended and is a serious threat to their health. With regular overeating, they can quickly gain weight and become like a cloud. Carefully monitor the amount of your pet’s food, and follow the nutritional norms.

Check with your veterinarian if you notice your dog gaining weight. Also, if you see that after eating the amount indicated on the food package, your pet is not full, consult your veterinarian. It may be necessary to change the type of feed.

Feed requirements and amounts will vary with your dog’s age. Regular visits to the veterinarian for examination and advice on feeding are recommended. In this way, you will feed your dog the right amount of properly balanced food. Properly selected food will give the pet enough energy, keep it healthy, and maintain a normal weight.

Care teddy bear dog

The Shichon’s coat color is tinted with the coat colors of its parents. The most common colors are silver, black and white, cream, brown, white and chocolate; also, there can be any mix of these colors. Fur can have spots both in a certain place and throughout the body.

Shih Tzus have a straight coat, while Bichon Frises have a wavy or curly coat; thus, Shichon coats can have a different texture. Dogs of this breed are an excellent choice for those owners who may have allergies. The Shichon dog is considered to be a low shedder. Due to this, the Shichon coat will grow until it is trimmed. The task of the owner is simple – to provide the dog with regular combing, as well as regular grooming procedures.

shichon dog

Despite the Shichon’s possible long coat, these dogs are very sensitive to low temperatures. For walks in cold or wet weather, it will be necessary to dress the dog in a sweater or jacket. Due to the short muzzle, the dog’s respiratory tract is especially sensitive to cold air. When exposed to cold and heat for a long time, Shichon may experience respiratory distress and be unable to breathe.

Shichon eyes need to be cleaned regularly. Gently wipe the dog’s eyes with a damp cloth. Also, brushing teeth daily is necessary, due to their propensity for dental diseases.

Puppies of this breed do not have a prey instinct, and they do well in the neighborhood with any other pets. But it would help if you were careful when introducing your puppy to medium or large pets.

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The Shichon is a breed of dog that originated from a cross between a Shih Tzu and a Bichon Frise. Shichon are small dogs that usually reach a height at the withers of 23 to 30 cm and a weight of 4 to 8 kg.

Shichon are friendly and affectionate dogs that quickly become attached to their owners. They are often described as social creatures who enjoy attention and interaction with people. Shichon is easy to train and generally have a friendly personality, making them great companions for people of all ages.

Shichon have a plush, soft coat that doesn’t shed as much as some other dog breeds. Their soft coat can be long or short, and they come in a variety of colors, including white, cream, brown, and black. Shichon do not require much grooming but must be brushed and washed regularly to avoid soiling and tangling.

Shichon are very active and need daily exercise, such as walking outdoors and playing with toys. They also love to participate in dog training and social activities.

Shichon are wonderful companion dogs that can adapt to different living conditions and make great friends for people of all ages. They don’t require very much grooming, but they need to get enough attention and exercise to be healthy and happy.


Is a Shichon a good dog?

The Shichon is a mix between the Shih Tzu and the Bichon Frise. Shichon are known for their energy, loyalty and friendliness. They are usually very active and need regular exercise and play. They are also very social and love to be surrounded by their owners and family.

Are Shichon high maintenance?

To properly care for your Shichon, follow these tips: brush its coat, maintain ear and eye hygiene, provide regular exercise, ensure proper nutrition and regular veterinary check-ups.

Do Shichon dogs bark a lot?

Like other breeds, Shihons sometimes have a tendency to bark. They are also very social and love to be surrounded by their owners and family. They show their emotions by barking.

Are Shichons hard to potty train?

Shichons are highly intelligent dogs that are easy to train and can do well in learning commands and tricks. They can also be litter trained.