Siberian Cat vs Maine Coon: All Similarities and Differences
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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Updated on: 12/27/2022
This article will give tips on distinguishing a Maine Coon from a Siberian cat. While both breeds belong to the forest type, the Maine Coon looks different and has a semi-long coat with an undercoat, color options, tassels on the ears, and considerable size.
What is the difference between a Maine Coon and a Siberian?
The main difference is size. Siberian cats have shorter legs, and the chest is deeper and slightly wider. Because of this, an adult Maine Coon will appear much taller. Their tail tapers towards the end, while in other breeds, it is rounded. For a Maine Coon, it should reach the shoulder blades, and for a Siberian, it should reach the shoulder.
Appearance comparison table
Maine Coon cats are distinguished by pronounced long tassels on their ears, unlike Siberians. Siberian cats are characterized by thick and semi-long fur all over the body, while Maine Coons have long and thick fur, mainly on the belly and tail. Since Siberian cats are more adapted to harsh weather conditions, they shed for 10 days in spring and autumn; therefore, they do not bring trouble to their owners with fallen fur. However, their coat requires a certain amount of care daily; otherwise, it will lose its excellent appearance. Weight and dimensions have some differences; please refer to the table:
Criterion/Breed | Siberian cat | Maine Coon |
Weight | 15-26 pounds | 6.5-18 pounds |
Height | 9-11 inches | 10-16 inches |
Colors and Patterns | Black, brown, chocolate, lavender, cinnamon, silver, cream, tan, red, white, blue, orange, lilac, fawn with any pattern. | Approximately 85 different fur colors and color combinations: black, black-white, blue, blue-gray, brown, cream, silver, and ginger. |
Lifespan | 12-15 years | 12-15 years |
Maine Coon cats appearance
Maine Coon breed standards are recognized and described by all felinological associations under the following codes:
- WCF (World Cat Federation): “II – MCO”
- FIFe (Fédération Internationale Féline): “2 – MCO”
- TICA (The International Cat Association): “MC”
The appearance of Maine Coon cats is recognizable and stands out among the numerous breeds of cats. A kitten in a few months already has a huge, by cat standards, size. Their main treasure is a luxurious shoulder-length tail, broad at the base and tapering towards the tip. They have a powerful physique, broad chests, rectangular bodies, lush collars, and thick, almost waterproof coats.
The paws of Maine Coon cats are not too long but strong and proportional. The pads are large, rounded, and protected by tufts of hair growing between the toes. Nature has taken care that the Maine Coons do not freeze in the snow and do not slip on the ice.
These pets have prominent facial features – the nose and chin are large, protrude strongly and should form a distinct angle in profile. The eyes may be yellow or green.[1]
The Maine Coon breed has appearance standards:
- Rectangular format of the muzzle.
- Elongated shape; high legs.
- Wide chest.
- Medium-length neck.
- Muscular limbs.
- Size from large to very large.
READ MORE: All About Maine Coon
Siberian cats appearance
Siberian cats also have a rather massive build. These are strong but harmonious and graceful pets. Their body is moderately long and compact, the head is medium in size, broad, and triangular in shape, and the contours are rounded and smooth. The eyes are round and large and usually range from green to yellow. Ears are of medium size with rounded tips; lynx brushes on the tips of the ears are welcome. The tail is long, broad at the base, and very fluffy.
The coat is long and fluffy, with a thick undercoat. The longer coat on the chest forms a beautiful collar. The coat perfectly protects the cat from cold and rain. Color can be anything except chocolate and lilac.[2]
The Siberian cat also has its own standards:
- Medium-length legs.
- Medium to large size.
- Short neck.
- Deep chest.
- Triangular form, but the body is shorter.
- Wide croup and back.
READ MORE: All About Siberian Cat
What are the similarities?
The Siberian breed appeared in a harsh climate, and its ancestors were brought to Siberia from the European part of the continent. The region’s conditions have caused a change in the genotype of cats. They became more significant, more powerful, overgrown with thick hair, and learned to survive in the cold.
The situation is similar with the Maine Coon breed. The standard Maine Coon has the same length of hair and tassels on the ears and is significantly larger than other domesticated relatives.
Temperament and personality
Maine Coon
These animals are very calm, balanced, and peaceful. Despite their stern appearance, aggression is extremely rare. Maine Coons are brilliant and remember commands well, like dogs, and also very clearly capture intonations and changes in the owner’s mood.
Cats of this breed quickly become attached to people and sincerely relate to them. Maine Coons love to be in the company of a person and suffer if they are left alone. However, they are not intrusive and will not require constant attention, and they need to be somewhere nearby and watch what is happening. Maine Coons are affectionate and friendly animals. They willingly make contact with children and participate in games.
Maine Coon cat breeds get along quite well with dogs and other cats. If pets start to show aggression, be patient and give them time to get used to each other. Problems can arise when keeping furry pets with rodents and birds; these cats perceive them as a game and will probably want to hunt.
Siberian cat
Pets of this breed are good-natured, calm, and friendly. They quickly find a common language with everyone, although sometimes they can be stubborn and willful.
Loyal animals are very fond of spending time in human society. They enthusiastically follow family members around the apartment and accompany them during any activity – from cooking dinner to watching TV or reading. Even the owners of cats of this breed note that Siberians perfectly feel people’s mood and are always ready to “support” a sad owner.
These animals willingly frolic with children and are active in games. In addition, they often sleep next to the children’s beds, not wanting to part with them for a long time. However, for communication to develop without conflict, the rules for handling animals must be explained to the child. If the young owner perceives it as a toy, the cat may show claws, defending its safety.
Siberians often feel comfortable in the company of other cats and even dogs. If at first, after the appearance of a new pet, conflicts arise in the house, be patient and try to help the pets get used to each other.
This breed has a strong character, but they do not seek to dominate in relations with other animals and are usually friendly. These cats are fearless, but they prefer not to communicate with strangers, showing undisguised suspicion towards them.
They are hardy and unpretentious to the conditions of life: they feel great both in urban conditions and in country houses, although they prefer, of course, space and freedom. These cats are born hunters.
READ MORE: Norwegian Forest Cat vs. Maine Coon
Health and care
Maine Coon
It is very important that the Maine Coon has its own territory. In addition, a large area for walking is important for these cats – they do not like to sit still and will walk, play and hunt for a long time.
The main problem of many cat owners is the organization of special places where their pets can sharpen their claws. Often cats use wallpaper, upholstered furniture or other interior items for these purposes – in general, everything that, according to owners, should not be used as a scratching post. Cats of this breed sharpen their claws not in a vertical position, as usual, but in a horizontal one, carpets, rugs and other floor coverings suffer.
These cat breeds love water and enjoy bathing; therefore, with washing, as a rule, the owners do not have problems. A lot of fears are usually associated with the care of the Maine Coon’s coat – it is quite thick and long. But at the same time, it does not roll into tangles and does not fall off, so it does not need to be combed out for several hours daily – once a week is enough. But in addition to the usual comb, you should purchase a furminator. Cats of this breed have a very thick undercoat that needs attention.
The health and appearance of the animal is very much dependent on nutrition. The easiest option for a cat diet is ready-made cat food, which comes in dry and wet. It is better to choose products especially for Maine Coons or just large cats. In such food, there is the right amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. It is better to select ready-made food, taking into account the age of the animal, as well as other factors: pregnancy and lactation, sterilization or a tendency to allergies and diseases.
You can also give the cat natural products, including meat, offal, cereals, and more. But this does not mean that the pet should be treated to “people food” from the dining table.
When a kitten first appears in your home, at least initially, feed it with the food recommended by the breeder and which is familiar to the pet. Over time, the diet can be gradually changed if necessary. Regardless of the diet chosen, constant access to clean drinking water is also required.
Maine Coon domestic cats are considered a healthy breed. They have excellent immunity and rarely get sick. Of the specific diseases that Coons are susceptible to, one can distinguish abscesses, bald spots, bald patches and overdried skin. The causes of these ailments can be excessive abuse of water procedures, improperly selected shampoo and untimely cleaning of the animal’s coat.
Siberian cat
Caring for Siberian cats does not require much time. They are very clean and tidy, and they quickly get used to the toilet.
While its coat is not too light and soft, so it does not roll into tangles, the cat still needs regular combing. It is advisable to do this procedure once a week, but in spring and autumn, during molting, it is better to comb the cat more often. To care for your pet’s coat, you need to purchase a special comb for long hair. In the process of combing, dead hair and skin flakes are removed, and touching the comb to the skin stimulates blood circulation.
The Siberian cat should not be washed frequently. But after a trip to nature, it is still advisable to bathe the animal. Despite the fact that Siberians are not afraid of water (and can even fish), they do not really like swimming.
You should regularly clean the ears of the animal and clean the eyes with a damp cotton swab. The claws of the Siberian cat do not need to be cut, it is enough to buy a scratching post.
Siberians are not picky when it comes to food. Possessing an excellent appetite, they can take advantage of the love of their owners, who find it difficult to refuse their pets an additional delicacy. Siberians prefer to eat raw, natural products. They benefit from raw lean meat, poultry (chicken, turkey), and sea fish. As a treat, you can treat the cat with boiled squid or shrimp. Many Siberian cats simply love shrimp and will even resort to blackmail for them, defiantly refusing to eat other foods.
You can also use premium dry food, which contains vitamins and microelements, to feed your pet. Additionally, dry food is a good tool for brushing teeth and removing from the body any swallowed wool.
Siberian cat breeds have good health. The main danger for them can be urolithiasis and the ingress of wool into the intestines. Urolithiasis is very dangerous, as it often leads to kidney failure.
READ MORE: Fluffiest Cat Breeds
The price of a Maine Coon vs. a Siberian is not much different. When buying a Maine Coon cat from a breeder, you can expect to be asked to pay, in general, anywhere between $1000 – $2000. Siberian cat prices range from $1,200 – $2,000 from a breeder.
Adoption and Shelters
You can find Maine Coons at your local animal shelter. Although purebred cats are hard to find in shelters, they are much cheaper than Maine Coons bought from a breeder.
You can find a shelter with a Siberian cat using the website. Here, you can find a map of states that have Siberian cats available for adoption. You can click on a state to see specific photos and information about a cat that needs a home.
Last Words
Siberian cats are close to Maine Coons. To find the difference between them, you need to remember the following:
- Siberian cats are denser in physique and have short neck. Maine Coons have an elongated bodies with a long neck.
- The Maine Coon’s muzzle has sharp transitions and pronounced cheekbones, with a well-defined chin. In Siberians, the lines of the muzzle are smooth and the chin is rounded.
- The ears of the Maine Coon are pointed and have tassels on the tips. Looking at Siberian cats, you can see the ears are slightly tilted forward.
Purebred Maine Coons differ in size. They have special features of the muzzle, the quality and thickness of the coat, as well as other external signs that are characteristic only for this breed.
Maine Coons look and feel like a lynx, and Siberian cats look like Pallas’s cat. In order not to confuse both breeds, it is enough to watch programs about their wild counterparts.
People also ask…
Should I get a Maine Coon or a Siberian cat?
Siberian cat breeders claim that their pets can be suitable for people suffering from animal allergies. If you suffer from allergies, it is better to choose a Siberian cat.
Are Siberian cats related to Maine Coons?
The Maine Coon and the Siberian cat have common features but different breeds. Many people constantly confuse them. In care, both breeds are undemanding, but the Maine Coon cat needs regular combing. The two breeds are friendly, and there is a similarity in character and temperament.
How can you tell if a cat is Siberian?
Even in childhood, Siberian cats are strong and large. They have powerful bodies with voluminous chest, short neck and strong legs, and between the paws grow tufts of wool. The muzzle of the animal has a smooth outline of a trapezoid shape.
Article Sources:
- Animal-World. “Maine Coon Cats.” Animal World,
- The Siberian Cat by Pamela Martin, The Show Cat Online Magazine.

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