Silver Bengal Cat: Important Things You Need to Know Before Buying Silver Bengal Cat

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Vicki Smirnova

Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.

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Updated on: 05/12/2023

Bengal cats are not only beautiful but also are domestic pets with an appearance that mimics big cats in the wild. The most common Bengal colors are golden and brown; however, there are adherents of cats of gray shades. In addition to how Bengals look and how they differ, we will discuss the main features of care in this article.

The silver gene variety of Bengal cats is the second recognized standard after the classic brown Bengal. The silver color looks very elegant and unusual. The spots stand out especially brightly if the main background is very light. However, the color of the coat can vary from almost white to steely. This color suggests a minimum of yellow and brown shades, a red nose and golden or green eyes.

silver bengal cat

Also, among gray Bengal pets, charcoal colors are valued. The main background is quite dark, and the pattern is almost black and stands out well on the coat. A distinctive feature may be a dark stripe on the muzzle.

What is the silver Bengal cat?

The gray Bengal pet is a small animal with well-developed muscles, an elegant muzzle, and little ears. The breed’s uniqueness is the leopard color, black paw pads, and black tip of the tail. A pet can weigh from 6 to 12 pounds and lives, on average, up to 12-15 years. The color pattern of Bengals is marbled or spotted.

what is the best food for my bengal catBrown Spotted Tabby Bengal. Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

The Bengal’s spotted pattern is the most popular color, and the brown spotted tabby was recognized in championship status (TICA) in 1991. Spotted pets have typical spots along the entire length of the body. Large, random, two-tone rosettes are especially prized, and this color makes the pet look like a mini-leopard.

For marble silvers, requirements are put forward for a horizontally flowing pattern in the form of divorces framed by wide or narrow edging lines. The color of the markings ranges from light gray to black.

Bengals are hunters and are very active and mobile. Although the pets of this breed are quite strong, they have a peaceful disposition and easily come into contact with others. Breeders note that animals jump perfectly. In addition, one cannot fail to note the high intellectual level of these animals.

In addition, silver Bengals are famous for their friendly disposition – they easily find a common language with members of the family in which they live. This breed is reserved and independent. They love to watch their owner. These pets make calm but loyal companions. They are reserved in open spaces, preferring the familiar. Cats love communication and need to be caressed often and, if possible, taught various commands. Loneliness adversely affects these animals, making them wild and aggressive.

Bengals are unpretentious in care. They are very clean and take care of their coat. Also, babies quickly get used to the tray. This pet is very fond of water and bathes with pleasure; however, water procedures should not be abused. It is enough to organize bathing a pet once a month with the use of special detergent compositions for animals.

Despite the fact that the coat is not too long, pets need to be combed once a week. In case of shedding, the number of procedures must be increased. Falling hair can get into the esophagus and food and harm the health. Sharp claws should be trimmed weekly. Ear cleaning should occur at the same frequency. If an unpleasant smell comes from the ears, this may indicate an illness of the animal and will need to be shown to the veterinarian.

Like other felines, these animals need constant access to food, water and a litter box. It is better to place the cat’s bed higher – in a place where it will feel safe.

A pet’s diet is very important for its full growth and development, and Bengal gray cats are no exception. There are no particular difficulties in this matter; pets eat both dry food and products of natural origin. Dry food allows you to saturate the body of pets with essential minerals and vitamins. In addition, it helps to get rid of tartar. However, only high-quality feed should be used. The pet will eat cheap analogs, of course, but they can cause serious problems with the stomach and digestion. Cats are very fond of boiled fish; you can pamper them with fresh meat and sometimes sour-milk products. Porridges and vegetables can also be present in the diet but be no more than 1/5 of the animal’s daily intake.

RELATED: Best Cat Food for Bengals (Vet Approved Review)

Characteristics of silver Bengal cats

Weight6-12 pounds
Height 13-16 inches
Colors and PatternsSilver base with black or gray spots or marbling
Lifespan12-15 years
Suitable forFamilies with children and other pets

How to Determine if a Cat Is a Silver Bengal Cat?

silver bengal cat

For healthy and purebred kittens of the Bengal breed, you should contact only nurseries with this focus or trusted breeders. It would be helpful to ask about the nature of the parents.

A kitten should be taken into the house after he turns 3 months old. This initial period is necessary for socialization and all the required vaccinations. The health of the pet is confirmed by its activity and curiosity. The color may not yet be too obvious; it will finally appear by the age of one.

Depending on the genetic background of both parents, kittens can be very different from each other. Fortunately, the study of the feline genome has made it possible to control pets’ color and structure, and genetic testing allows breeders to predict the possible outcomes.

A purebred cat can also be identified by the exceptional gloss of its coat, which is very pleasant to the touch. This indicator of a healthy and well-developing animal. [1]

Interesting facts about Bengals

  • Bengal cats love to play with small objects and often hide things from their owners. They are especially attracted to anything shiny and sparkling.
  • These cats, in some of their habits, are very reminiscent of dogs. For example, they love to walk and are easy to train. Bengals can easily learn to walk on a leash or harness, give a paw and approach on command. In addition, these are very active cats who love to play with their owners and follow them on their heels.
  • Bengals love water. Unlike most cat breeds that are afraid of water, these cats feel almost like fish in it. They love to splash, so don’t be surprised if your pet jumps into the tub you made for yourself.
  • These cats are very talkative. They are considered one of the most chatty cats, so don’t count on silence in the house. If a pet needs something, he will definitely inform about it by voice – and the palette of sounds in cats of this breed is very diverse.
silver bengal cat stormtrooperStud Stormtrooper of

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How much does a silver Bengal cat cost?

The average price of a domestic Bengal kitten is $1500-$3000. Prices for Bengals are quite high, so you should make sure of the pedigree of the animal, and, after the purchase, you need to surround the pet with love, care and attention.

What to know before buying a Bengal?

  • Among the undoubted advantages of silver cats, a family will note a very elegant appearance and a relatively large size.
  • These kitties are very active. Frequent walks are necessary, and cats should be taken outside after putting on a special leash so that troubles do not happen.
  • Kittens can grow wild without being tamed. Also, adult silver cats will mark the territory.

Conclusion: Are silver Bengal cats good pets?

These animals resemble their wild relatives in many ways and look like miniature copies of leopards and other predators. Bengals are quite active, curious and playful animals. Bengals are born predators; therefore, they will not be able to make friends with parrots and hamsters and will perceive them as potential victims. As for dogs and other cats, this breed gets along with them without any conflict.

Animals of this breed are very smart; so, after special training, This pet can follow simple commands, such as sit, give a paw and even fetch objects. Alone, such cats get bored and sincerely rejoice at the return of family members. And if you ignore the pet for a long time, it will surely remind you of itself by meowing and insistently demand its owner’s attention. Therefore, these cats are only suitable for people willing to pay attention to their pets. [2]


Are Silver Bengal Cats Rare?

Silver Bengal cats are the rarest color variety, and silver Bengal cats have the size and temperament of indoor cats.

Are Silver Bengal Cats Hypoallergenic?

Bengal cats are mainly hypoallergenic and do not shed much. They prove to be a safe option for those with cat allergies.

How Much Do Silver Bengal Cats Cost?

The average silver Bengal kitten price is $1500-$3000. Prices for Bengals are pretty high, so you should ensure pedigree and animal health.

Why Are Silver Bengal Cats so Expensive?

Silver Bengals, because they are rare, can cost more than other colors of the Bengal breed. Most Bengal prices start at $1,400 and go up to $3,000; some breeders charge $3,000 to $5,000 or more.

How Big Do Silver Bengal Cats Get?

They can weigh from 8 to 15 pounds or more, and their height ranges from 13 to 16 inches. Bengal cats are medium to large in size.

READ MORE: 15 Rarest Cat Breeds

Article Sources:

  1. Jones, Joyce. The Pet Cat That Evokes the Leopard (Published 1992). 20 Sept. 1992,
  2. Bengals Take Their First Step in CFA. 1 Feb. 2016,