Small Cat Breeds: 15 Smallest Cat Breeds
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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Viewed: 3547
Updated on: 06/19/2023
There are a huge variety of cat breeds in the world. They are all of different sizes, colors, and characters. Today, we will talk about the smallest breeds of cats.
Unlike miniature dogs, which have been popular since ancient times, the desire for dwarf pets has appeared only quite recently with the discovery of the munchkin breed, which won the love of millions of breeders worldwide. Their inimitable paws, cute face, and affectionate nature appealed to a huge number of fans.
Small breeds are trendy all over the world. Such pets will not take up much space in the house and will allow the owners to save on food. Breeders, noticing the increasing demand, immediately presented to the world a lot of new, short-legged breeds, which were originally created using the same munchkin.
Review of Small Cat Breeds
In this article, we will tell you about the smallest pets, the nature of the different breeds, and how to take care of them.
1. Singapura Cat
Weight | 4 to 8 pounds |
Height | 6 to 8 inches |
Colors and Patterns | sepia agouti |
Lifespan | 11-15 years |
The Singapura is a breed of short-haired pets of small size and oriental type, with a smooth coat and a golden-cream color characteristic only for this breed. Singapura cats are descended from street cats from Southeast Asia, from the city-state of Singapore. Outside of their homeland, these cats first became known in the United States in the 70s of the XX century.
The character of Singapura is affectionate. They are very active and retain their playfulness and mobility throughout their lives. These pets are completely devoid of aggression towards humans and other animals. Singapura is very affectionate to humans and doesn’t like to be alone. They look for the owner’s company in any circumstance. Sometimes, they are intrusive and persistently climb on their owner’s lap, seeking affection. These pets are able to find things to do by themselves and are prone to climbing and active jumping. They are also not afraid of water.
2. Munchkin
Weight | 6 to 9 pounds |
Height | 7 to 9 inches |
Colors and Patterns | white, black, orange, gray, lavender, cream, beige, tan, chocolate, brown, cinnamon, fawn, lilac bi-color, solid, calico / tri-color, tabby, color point |
Lifespan | 16-20 years |
The munchkin is a recent breed of cat; its paws are 2-3 times shorter than ordinary cats with average body lengths. Since the beginning of the XIX century, information about unusual, special cats has appeared in different parts of the world. Officially, the history of the munchkin cat breed began in 1983. The short-legged gene turned out to be dominant and most kittens inherited this mutation. In 1991, at a cat exhibition of regional significance, munchkins were presented to the general public for the first time. Fortunately, this mutation does not cause any harm to the pet’s health, and, with proper maintenance, they do not suffer from bone problems.
Munchkins have a kind and friendly character. Also, this breed completely lacks aggression, so it is safe if you have small children. In relation to their owner, munchkins are quite affectionate and kind and like to spend time in their owner’s arms. [1]
RELATED: Munchkin Cat Breed
3. Kinkalow
Weight | 3 to 7 pounds |
Height | 9 to 11 inches |
Colors and Patterns | any color with any pattern. Common ones: white, chocolate, calico, tortie, tabby, gray, orange, cream, black. |
Lifespan | 12-15 years |
These are funny small cat breed with curled ears. The Kinkalow is one of the most unusual breeds that you can meet. They are cute cats with short paws and curled ears and can win the love of everyone who looks at them. This exotic breed appeared as a result of crossing munchkins and curls. Its weight usually does not exceed 11 pounds. They have strong bones and muscles, so they lead a very energetic lifestyle.
RELATED: All About Kinkalow Cat Breed
4. American Curl Cat
Weight | 5 to 10 pounds |
Height | 9 to 12 inches |
Colors and Patterns | any color with any pattern |
Lifespan | 12 to 16 years |
The American curl is a breed of semi-long-haired and short-haired cats (the first variety is more popular than the second). From birth, kittens have straight ears; however, the ears begin to curl on the 2-10 day after birth and finally form by 4 months. The ears of the American curl are not like the ears of other cats – they are hard, like a human ear, and smoothly bent back by 90-180 degrees. Like many other breeds, the characteristic appearance of the ears is associated with a genetic mutation that occurs naturally.
In 1981, a cat with strange ears was discovered in California: they were twisted back due to a mutation. A month later, this cat became pregnant, and two of her kittens were born with the same ears. Breeding work began on them, after which some American felinological organizations recognized the new cats as a breed, later called the American curl. Currently, the American curl is most popular in the United States and is rare in other countries.
READ MORE: How much Exercise Does a Cat Need?
5. Minskin
Weight | 4-6 pounds |
Height | 6 to 8 inches |
Colors and Patterns | all colors and patterns |
Lifespan | 12-15 years |
The Minskin is a breed of short-legged cats, the main feature of which is wool. It is heavy, has excellent textured fur that grows on an almost naked animal. Fur can be on the head, ears, legs, and tail. The fur on the paws can reach the shoulders and thighs, and sometimes the texture is subject to seasonal and hormonal changes.
Visually, this small cat breed is a cross between sphinxes and munchkins. Minskins are very sociable, inquisitive, and quickly adapt to new conditions. They can easily withstand long trips, but they do not tolerate loneliness. It is not easy to take care of such cats: due to the lack of wool, they quickly freeze and often get sick. So, the Minskin is suitable only for owners of warm houses.
6. Minuet (or Napoleon)
Weight | 5 – 9 pounds |
Height | 7 inches |
Colors and Patterns | all colors and patterns, including non-typical for Persian |
Lifespan | 9-15 years |
Minuet is a miniature cute cat with an easy-going nature. The breed is a result of crossing Persian cats and munchkins. From the first of its parents, it got its good coat; from the second its unusual size. Small and fluffy kittens are very quiet, affectionate, and sociable. Taking care of their hair is not an easy task.
7. Cornish Rex
Weight | 6 to 10 pounds |
Height | 11 to 15 inches |
Colors and Patterns | white, blue, black, cream, red, brown, frost, platinum, fawn, chocolate, chestnut, cinnamon, lavender, champagne, seal; solid color, tortoiseshell, bicolor, tricolor/calico, tabby, ticking, smoke, points, shaded |
Lifespan | 9-13 years |
The Cornish Rex is a breed of domestic cats belonging to the shorthair group. The undercoat is curled into a dense wave. The cause of its wavy hair was a gene mutation. For the first time, the Cornish were officially recognized as a breed in 1967 in England.
They are easy to care for and are not susceptible to hereditary diseases. Their tendency to overeat is noted, so it is necessary to limit its amount of food. Due to the small size of the pads of the paws, Cornish Rex can not completely remove their claws and they require regular haircuts or the presence of a scratching post. Cornish Rex does not like the cold.
8. Devon Rex
Weight | 5 to 10 pounds |
Height | 10 to 12 inches |
Colors and Patterns | all colors and patterns |
Lifespan | 9-15 years |
The Devon Rex appeared in the UK in the 1960s. Distinctive features are an extraordinary appearance and a friendly disposition. The little British cat looks elegant and aristocratic, attracts attention with an expressive look and large ears. Its character is playful and cheerful.
Cats of this breed are often called elves or aliens because of their unusual appearance: large eyes, rounded head, short muzzle, prominent cheekbones, and huge ears. Devon Rex shows a keen interest in everything around him and is mobile and active.
9. LaPerm
Weight | 8 to 10 pounds |
Height | 6 to 10 inches |
Colors and Patterns | any color or pattern; most common are tabby, red, and tortoiseshell |
Lifespan | 10-15 years |
The LaPerm is a long-haired cat with a wavy, curly fur coat. This breed originated from crossing cats from the USA. Cats of this breed are affectionate, inquisitive, active, and excellent hunters. Their hair requires regular care.
These cats adore people and love to sit on people’s laps and purr. If you pay even a little attention to the LaPerm, the cat will consider you its best friend. Laperms love everyone: children, cats, and even dogs.
10. Dwelf Cat
Weight | 4 to 9 pounds |
Height | 6 to 7 inches |
Colors and Patterns | beige or gray/black, sometimes with darker markings on muzzle and body |
Lifespan | 12-15 years |
The Dwelf is a rare breed for true experts. They have a small body without hair, large curled ears, and short paws. It is not easy to take care of them, because they require much attention because of health problems. Additionally, these cats are very capricious, wayward, and do not come into contact with everyone, but, with age, they become more docile and calm.
READ FULL ARTICLE: Dwelf Cat Breed Full Profile
11. Siamese Cat
Weight | 6 to 14 pounds |
Height | 8 to 10 inches |
Colors and Patterns | pointed pattern in seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac point |
Lifespan | 15-20 years |
The Siamese cat has a very distinctive appearance. The coat is short and tight-fitting to the body. Such cats are characterized by a light coat color with a darker color on the paws, muzzle, ears, and tail.
These are active cats. They need attention, enjoy physical contact, and are sociable, affectionate, and trusting. They can use their vocal cords, changing the tone and pitch of the sound to express their demands and feelings. They are easy to train.
READ MORE: All About Mixed Siamese Cat
12. Abyssinian
Weight | 8 to 12 pounds |
Height | 8 to 10 inches |
Colors and Patterns | ruddy, red, chocolate, brown, sable, blue, gray, fawn |
Lifespan | 9-15 years |
The Abyssinian was bred in Great Britain at the end of the XIX century. This is one of the most ancient breeds of cats and, at the same time, one of the first breeds to receive an official exhibition standard. The Abyssinian cat has a slim body and colorful coat.
The Abyssinian cat is distinguished by high intelligence and lively temperament. Abyssinians are curious and very sociable. They easily learn new things and quickly learn various skills. They like to live together with other cats. [3]
13. Burmese
Weight | 6 to 14 pounds |
Height | 10 to 12 inches |
Colors and Patterns | sable, champagne, blue, platinum, lilac, fawn, red, cream, chocolate, cinnamon; tortoiseshell or solid color; |
Lifespan | 9-13 years |
The Burmese cat is distinguished by a muscular, strong body, short shiny coat, and large, rounded, yellow eyes. The expressive golden eyes of the Burmese have an interesting feature – they change color depending on the light source and the intensity of illumination.
Burmese are affectionate and playful; they like people, other cats, and even dogs. Burmese are thermophilic and do not tolerate drafts and temperature changes, especially a sharp and even more prolonged decrease in temperature.
14. Japanese Bobtail
Weight | 5 to 12 pounds |
Height | 8 to 9 inches |
Colors and Patterns | all colors and patterns; most bi- and tri-colored |
Lifespan | 9-13 years |
The Bobtail is a breed originally from Japan. In the UK and continental Europe, these cats are still quite rare. The Bobtail is sociable, inquisitive, easy-going and playful. Japanese bobtails are friendly cats and love to chase balls and fetch toys. These are real domestic cats that get along well with dogs and children.
15. Toybob
Weight | 4- 7 pounds |
Height | 5 – 6 inches |
Colors and Patterns | all colors and patterns |
Lifespan | 14-20 years |
The Toybob is the smallest breed in the world and resembles a four-month-old kitten. But, despite this, these pets are well developed and have strong muscles.
The Toybob has a very cheerful nature. They are active, very playful, and retain these qualities both at a young and mature age. They have very developed intelligence, are strongly attached to people, and like to follow them from room to room, regardless of whether or not you play with them.
Tips for Caring for a Small Cat Breed
After many years of crossbreeding, small cats inherited many genetic features from their ancestors, including strong immunity. But dwarf breeds still need careful attention and regular visits to the veterinarian.
The Achilles heel of small cats is weak, vulnerable paws. The fragile skeleton of mini-pets needs additional support. It is vital to examine the cat for injuries as often as possible, and any change in its behavior should definitely alert you. In addition, to strengthen the paws of a mini-cat, you need to periodically give it vitamin and mineral supplements with a set of essential trace elements and amino acids. In addition, do not forget to provide your baby with warm clothing for going outside. Remember mini-cats freeze very quickly, and long walks are fraught with serious diseases for them.
As for nutrition, it is standard for dwarf breeds. The basis of the diet should be ready-made, premium, and super-premium feed. Adult mini-pets need to be fed 2-3 times a day, and small crumbs about 5-6 times. At the same time, the food should be of high quality and balanced. [2]
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What is the best small cat?
The choice of a cat depends on your needs. If you want to take a fuzzy into the family, you can have a Napoleon. Pets without wool will not give you as much trouble with cleaning. Short-legged pets are very popular now. There are more and more breeds, so you can choose the right one for yourself.
Do some cat breeds stay small?
The most miniature breeds of cats in the world are considered to be the Toibob and Kinkalow. The weight of these animals in adulthood ranges, on average, from 2-4 pounds. Other small breeds of cats also deserve attention, but their weight is slightly higher.
Article Sources:
- “Munchkin – Limb Deformity.” UFAW,
- “YOUR CAT’S NUTRITIONAL NEEDS A Science-Based Guide For Pet Owners.” National Research Council of the National Academies,
- “Abyssinian Breed.” TICA, 5 Aug. 2018,

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