Teddy Bear Dog Breeds: 15 Cutest Teddy Bear Dogs
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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Updated on: 05/26/2023
Teddy Bear dog breeds have a beautiful, doll-like appearance and a kind and playful character. At first sight, they evoke sympathy and endear themselves to those around them. Regardless of age, small pets are associated with puppies you want to pamper and protect. Large, fluffy dogs are also adorable and charming – a smile never leaves the muzzles of some breeds, and, looking at them, it is impossible not to smile back. Our selection contains the cutest dog breeds with photos and names.
What Is a Teddy Bear Dog?
Teddy Bears are a designer dog breed, mestizos, created by crossing purebred parents. The term appeared in the USA at the end of the 20th century, when breeders decided to cross a purebred poodle with other dogs to obtain a hypoallergenic breed and combine the best features of different breeds.
Do Teddy Bear dogs stay small?
Small breed dogs stop growing earlier; in large breeds, growth continues for up to two years. Depending on the breed, they can be 12 inches tall and weigh approximately 15 pounds.
Essential things about adopting a Teddy Bear dog
The Teddy Bear breed does not tolerate loneliness very well. Left alone in an apartment, these pets can suffer destructive behavior.
Teddy Bear Dog Dreeds’ List
1. Pomeranian
Pomeranians look constantly smiling and have a soft, stuffed, fluffy coat, a short, small muzzle, and a fluffy forehead. Spitz does not shed often. Today, Pomeranians have gained a reputation as lapdogs, but they were originally herding dogs that pulled huge sleds over rough terrain. Previously, these pets weighed about 25 pounds and were very muscular. Modern Poms are affectionate but need constant training.
2. Toy Poodle
The toy poodle is a noble-looking dog with a narrow muzzle and long neck. The coat is profuse, curly, and often groomed into a stylish hairstyle. Many shades of wool are possible, including blue, grey, silver, brown, apricot, and cream. This is a lively and affectionate dog that can become an excellent companion. It can be a good watchdog, announcing the approach of visitors, but it is a generally kind dog. Toy poodles are unusually sensitive to voice intonation and respond well to training. However, children should be taught how to handle these tiny, delicate dogs properly.
RELATED: Pomeranian Poodle Mix
3. Shichon
The Shichon is a mixed-breed dog whose puppies are very smart, affectionate, and sociable. These cuties can live in small apartments and are ideal companions and therapy dogs, especially for the elderly.
4. Maltipoo
The Maltipoo is half Toy Poodle, half Maltese. The breed is regarded as a designer breed but remains unrecognized by international cynological associations. It is believed that, about 20 years ago, British breeders were the first to cross Maltese and Poodles; however, the motives for the experiment still need to be clarified. According to one version, this was done to get a non-shedding dog that allergy sufferers could afford. This dog is a cheerful, charming, affectionate, and devoted accomplice who will willingly support any of your undertakings. Intelligent and sociable, these funny Teddy Bears love attention.
5. Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise is a family-type dog. An adult animal retains the playfulness of a puppy and feels great in the cheerful company of children, but it can also sit next to a person if the noisy fuss is inappropriate. The good-natured and always positive nature of the Bichon Frize makes this breed more suitable for families with children. They have a strong constitution, but these small animals are entirely unsuitable for performing the functions of a formidable guard. However, they can be sincere friends with pets much more significant than themselves due to the lack of inclinations of aggression and ambition in clarifying the hierarchical position.
6. Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu is a famous Tibetan breed. Previously, these dogs were kept only in imperial palaces, and breeders were severely punished if they exported them from the country. These pets are friendly, funny, and love to communicate with people. A dog living in a family does not look for only one favorite family member; instead, it distributes its affection equally among all household members. As for children, these cunning Chinese “cubs” get along well with them. True, dogs will not tolerate violence and outright bullying from the younger generation, so if your little one has made it a habit to tug on a pet’s tail, get ready for bitten fingers.
7. Coton de Tulear
The Coton de Tulear is a breed of miniature domestic dog native to the island of Madagascar. These pets have a surprisingly soft, white coat reminiscent of cotton in its structure and properties. Coton de Tulear has a lively, cheerful character, loves games, and generally loves life. It has an average level of energy and does not need physical exercises – walks and active games will be enough. They love to please their owners, make contact easily, and can walk on their hind legs. There are no problems in training. The Coton de Tulear breed is, first of all, a companion and a small, true friend. Children are well received and love to play with them. They also readily accept other pets, including cats.
8. Maltese
The Maltese breed is one of the oldest in the world. They have been depicted in the art and literature of many ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. Today’s Maltese is a charming, affectionate, and friendly companion who loves to sit on the lap of their loved one. This breed makes do with daily walks and games to meet their exercise needs.
READ MORE: Maltese Shih Tzu Mix
9. Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire Terrier is a toy dog famous for its thick, long coat, similar to human hair. Because it holds its head high, this dog has a dignified look. These dogs are active and fun companions. Their favorite pastime is spending time at home with their family. Often, they are very attached to their owners and enjoy the comfort of home. They can make good little guard dogs; however, they also need regular physical activity outside the home to keep fit, healthy, and toned. Many of them are highly trainable and tend to be very playful.
10. Irish Doodle
The Irish Doodle is a type of designer dog, considered hypoallergenic. This breed shows the best features of both parent breeds. Most often, they are smart, obedient, and extremely affectionate. They love people and get along well with other pets. They are generally patient and friendly with small children, making them great family dog.
11. Cockapoo
A designer dog breed created by crossing an American Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle. The idea to cross the intellectual poodles with the mischievous Spaniels was the first to be visited by breeders from the USA. It is believed that initially, the breeders planned to create an extremely healthy pet that would incorporate the best from the Cocker and Poodle. The creators of the breed have thoroughly worked out the companion characteristics of its representatives, so today’s cockapoos are cheerful, moderately sociable, and comfortable pets in all respects. These are those rare dogs that equally love all family members, including children, and at the same time are always delighted with the guests. Living together with a Cocker Poodle is quite pleasant and stress-free. Representatives of this family do not make noise and give their voice only for two reasons – fear and boredom. These two phobias animals have inherited from their ancestors. Cockers suffering from loneliness sin with destructive behavior, while poodles in a similar situation fall into a prolonged depression.
12. Cavapoo
A Cavapoo is a mix of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Miniature Poodle. Both of these breeds are ideal as companion dogs due to their natural sensitivity, human orientation, and friendly disposition. Dogs of this breed are cute in appearance, sociable and cheerful, and love their owners – especially children. They are funny and cute, can be easily taught commands, and behave well on the street and at home.
13. Whoodle
This is a mix of a poodle and an Irish soft-coated terrier. This is a designer breed, which is quite rare. This dog is friendly, playful, good-natured, and gets along well with teenagers and children. It also gets along well with other dogs if they have lived with it since it was a puppy. The Woodle is strongly attached to its family and cannot stand being alone. If bored, it can destroy everything around you or desperately bark for a long time. The Woodle is suspicious of strangers and unusual sounds and, therefore, will definitely warn its owners.
14. Chorkie
The Yorkshire Terrier and Chihuahua are some of the most famous and popular breeds preferred by people who love small dogs. Chorkies are characterized by a sharp mind and extreme stubbornness – it is almost impossible to train them, given their nature. Adults can play with the dog but need to be on the lookout: the dog can play and bite, which will come as a complete surprise. This is one of the few dog breeds that should not be allowed near small children. Chorkies will not tolerate children’s games.
15. Morkie
Energetic, affectionate, and playful, Morkies combine the characteristics of their parent breeds, the Maltese and Yorkie. Charming Morkie teddy bear puppies, often reminiscent of small teddy bears, grow into the most delicate, downy balls. Affectionate and outgoing, the Morkie is a great choice for singles, older couples, and retirees. If you start socializing these puppies early, you can make them great family pets. Morkies are the so-called “designer breed,” that is, a cross between a purebred Yorkshire Terrier with a purebred Maltese. As a result, Morkies, sometimes called Malkies, Yorkies, or Yorkshire Terriers, have the energy and courage of typical terriers, balanced by the gentle and good-natured nature of the Maltese.
People also ask:
What breeds are Teddy Bear dogs?
These are mostly designer breeds. Parents can be small dog breeds. The most popular breeds are Toy Poodle, Shichon, Maltipoo, Bichon Frise, Coton de Tulear, Cockapoo, Cavapoo, Morkie, and others.
Are Teddy Bear dogs purebred?
Some Teddy Bear dogs are purebreds. They can be spitz, toy poodles, or shih tzu. However, most are a designer mix of the breed.
What is the temperament of a Teddy Bear dog breed?
The nature of each individual breed depends on the traits of the parents, as well as on training. For example, Cavapoo are sociable and cheerful and very fond of their owners – and especially children. At the same time, Chorkies do not like children.
Who is the famous Teddy Bear dog?
The Pomeranian named Boo is the most popular Teddy Bear dog. His signature haircut has become a benchmark for many dog lovers.
Final thoughts
Each dog is beautiful in its own way and can claim the title of man’s best friend. Teddy Bear dog breeds have a beautiful, doll-like appearance, are kind and playful characters at first sight, arouse sympathy, and endear themselves to those around them. Miniature pets, regardless of age, are associated with puppies that you want to pamper and protect.

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