How To Stop My Dog From Biting When Excited? Why Dogs Nipping When Excited?
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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Updated on: 03/28/2022
Dogs are the most popular and loyal pets – even cats cannot compete with them. Statistics show that dogs are preferred by a more significant number of pet lovers. Definitely, dogs are more loyal and affectionate than other pets, but some canine family members have a not-so-good habit of chewing and biting. So, how to wean a dog from biting? After all, such pet problem behavior in the house is unacceptable and can be a threat to members of your family and others. Experienced dog owners know how to make an obedient and faithful dog out of a four-legged friend, which will not allow such actions to the owner and family members for no special reason.
Does My Dog Bite When He’s Excited?
Why do domestic adult dogs show aggression and even anger for no apparent reason? Following the example of human behavior, dogs can be both kind and evil; shy or fearless. Such actions may be related to the nature of your pet or its genetic predisposition. An example would be dogs of fighting breeds. Most breeds sometimes find it very difficult to contain dog from nipping, aggressive behavior and bite inhibition. Raising such other dogs is long and painstaking work; sometimes, owners cannot cope independently and are forced to seek professional and specialized help from cynologists.
There are situations when the kindest and most sympathetic dogs unintentionally bite family members, but they don’t do it on purpose and unconsciously due to excitement. Because such behavior is not aggressive, pets do not cause serious physical damage in this way. However, the dog owner should still think about making the process of education more rigorous and correct. After all, sometimes even the small and weak bite of a dog can harm a child’s health or cause serious psychological trauma.
Sometimes, puppies, which attract the attention of others with their cute appearance, will suddenly begin to bite and gnaw at everyone who is in their reach. This can be easily explained – babies are trying to find out how strong their fangs are.
Should I Stop My Puppy from Nipping When Excited?
Some aspects of a pet’s bad habit can be corrected before developing into full-fledged bad habits. To do this, the pet owner must follow these simple rules:
Do not allow the puppy to play with personal items, whether it be clothes, appliances, household items, etc.
If the dog is smart enough and quick-witted, it will almost immediately understand that biting is unacceptable behavior in relation to a person, even more so to its owner. With increased pet aggression during a game or other interaction, you can stop moving; tired of inactivity, the biting puppy will let go of its “prey.”
A dog must always recognize its own place. This can be bedding, a special basket or a pillow in an apartment for puppy biting. Dogs are most often placed in a private house in a separate aviary, cage, or booth. If a four-legged friend begins to bite during gameplay, it is worth stopping the fun and sending the pet back to its place strictly.
It is worth remembering that a puppy behaves like a child, and that is why it must be provided with enough chew toys to bite – they will help wean the dog from biting and protect the surrounding people and household items. As soon as the puppy attempts to bite, you need to immediately open its jaws and point to the toy. Thus, you point out to the pet the items that cannot be treated in this way.
READ MORE: Puppy Training
This approach and prevention can be difficult, as not all dogs require the same approach and upbringing. If you do nothing, the pet, in most cases, will become uncontrollable and can start biting everyone and everything around.
Often, a dog may begin to show aggression and bite when such behavior was not noticed before. This may indicate that the pet has a psychological problem; the animal was likely abused by the owner or strangers. It is necessary to treat your pets with understanding and care – do not use physical force with them, as this can lead to psychological problems.
Training Methods to Avoid
What to do if a pet was accepted into a new family already as an adult, with all its habits, rules and weaknesses? And what if, during games or communication, the pet absolutely does not restrain itself? This is definitely a problem, but it can still be solved and improve the understanding between the pet and its new dog lovers.
There are several rules to bite inhibition:
You should not play with a four-legged friend in those games during which he has the opportunity to bite.
If the pet’s jaws clenched on the human body, you need to gently unclench them. In this case, it is impossible to scold and punish the animal and, even more so, to physically influence it.
Dogs, by their nature, love and respect their owners and their families, so you can show and explain to the pet that he did something bad to the owner or a member of its family. During a bite, you can scream, as if in pain, or even cry; then, demonstratively move away from the animal. This method is quite useful for effective re-education, as the dog begins to understand that it offended its beloved owner.
The most difficult thing happens when a four-legged friend does not consider his master a leader – such a significant lack of education is quite common. In this case, serious, professional training will be required. Otherwise, the pet will bite regularly during gameplay and in normal situations. To solve the problem of dominance, it is best to contact an experienced dog handler.
Many people and dog owners think that if a dog barks, it definitely won’t bite. Unfortunately, this is not always the case; it all depends on the size of the pet, age, breed, temperament, and even gender.
If suddenly a puppy starts barking simultaneously, you need to press its head to the floor as soon as possible, which will quickly calm it down. At the same time, it is necessary to consolidate the action with a strict, reproving look, indicating its position in the family. Still, the owner is the leader and the pet a true friend.
After all, an adult dog has a well-established personality and all its psychological characteristics were laid down and turned into a habit even in puppyhood.
READ MORE: Why Does My Dog Chase His Tail?
Ways to Stop a Dog Nipping in the Moment
Dogs are pack animals, and they only obey the leader. The owner’s task is to prove his superiority and the right to be the leader to the pet. Only in this way will the dog obey.
In case of aggressive behavior or disobedience, the animal must be raised above the floor surface, depriving its paws of support for a while, then lowered to the ground and calm dogs. If the dog did everything right, praise the pet with a treat and stroking. This will show that it is the person who dominates in this relationship. This method is especially effective for large dogs, as they, due to their size, can mistakenly exalt themselves above the owner.
Small biting dogs can be affected like the leader of a real group – you need to grab the dog’s mouth with your palms, leaving only one opportunity – to breathe. This is exactly what the flock leader does with those who do not obey him. As soon as the pet has calmed down, it must be released immediately.
To indicate his/her status as dominant, the owner must methodically and constantly remind the dog of its position in the following ways:
You need to give food to the dog only after all family members have eaten – the main rule of the pack applies here – the leader always eats first.
It is necessary to accustom a four-legged friend to start eating only after the appropriate command of the owner.
A person should enter all doors and climb stairs first – the dog should go behind and not vice versa.
All learned commands the pet must perform fully and in any situation. A new environment, a bad mood or simply an unwillingness should not interfere with the execution of the owner’s commands.
If the pet does not perceive or understand the owner’s demands, it may behave arbitrarily, independently, and without obeying. In this situation, biting the owner will not be something reprehensible and unusual, and in this case, only rigor can help.
How to Stop Your Dog from Excited Biting in the Future
The owner of a guarding breed, whose desire to protect the master’s property is laid down at the genetic level, needs to take care of passing a special course, with their dog, with a dog trainer. A trained dog knows how to use its potential correctly and knows it is possible to grab or bite the specified object only on command, which will help avoid unforeseen situations.
Raising a pet is a responsibility. Causing injury by a dog to another animal or person may face administrative penalties.
The following tips will help reduce aggression and ensure the safety of others:
It is necessary to accustom your pet to the outside world from early childhood. A pet must feel like a full-fledged member of society with all the requirements and rules of conduct.
The dog must wear a muzzle when going out in public places.
You cannot let your pet off the leash, even if you are sure that there are no strangers nearby. For restrained behavior at the sight of a stranger, you need to praise the dog by gently stroking it or giving it a goody.
Aggression should not be encouraged. Any anger impulse must be immediately extinguished by diverting the pet’s attention.
If your pet has been well-behaved throughout the walk, praise it with treats, petting, or simple conversation. After all, pets clearly define the intonation with which the owner speaks and understands emotions.
READ MORE: What to Do If Your Dog Bites Someone?
How do you calm an excited dog?
If your dog accidentally bites you while playing, stop playing immediately. You can clearly show your emotion that you are hurt. Dogs are great at reading emotions, and your dog may infer that you don’t like it and that it hurts. If a four-legged friend tries to exalt his status in society above the owner, you should take him under his front paws and deprive him of contact with the ground. Thus, the pet will figure out who is dominant and who needs to be respected and listened to.
How do I calm my excited puppy from biting?
During gameplay, puppies may often bite the hands or feet of their owner, and such actions must be immediately responded to. A bite on the hand, even during the game, should not become a habit. You need to look at the puppy to show that you are in pain and do not like such actions. Puppies are good at reading emotions and can quickly understand what you want to say. But it is necessary to concentrate the puppy’s attention on yourself, lifting it with your hands under the front paws. Such actions will focus the puppy’s attention on you, and it will be easier for you to establish contact with your four-legged friend.
How do I stop my dog from jumping up and biting me?
It all depends on the age of your dog. Growing up, a puppy may experience unique feelings and affection for its owner, and after a long separation, it may jump for joy and even bite its owner’s hands. In such a situation, you need to be very delicate. You need to show your pet that you enjoy interaction but you don’t like the bites – they bring you pain and discomfort. A bright emotion – or even a scream when bitten – can clearly show the dog that you do not like it and that it is unpleasant. An adult dog can be taken by its muzzle with the palms and lowered to the floor. Such manipulation will remind the pet who dominates the family.
How do you stop a dog from biting?
A young puppy is easy enough to wean from biting. In the process of puppy training, you can quickly teach your four-legged friend to not bite. If your family has another, older dog, it can be difficult. However, do not give up. You can seek qualified help from a dog trainer, and experienced professionals can easily teach your new pet to show love and affection without biting.