Dog Side Eye: Why Do Dogs Give Us Side-Eye?
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Author: Scott Jeffrey
Scott is a professional blogger with 12+ years of experience in writing, and holds an MA in anthropology. He has two cats as housemates. Also, Scott is passionate to research on pet-related topics such as dog training, puppy feeding, and cat health.
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Viewed: 963
Updated on: 07/13/2022
As a dog owner, you have inevitably noticed that pups often give us the side-eye. But what does dog side-eye mean? And why do they do it?
First, let’s start with a definition. A side-eye is a “look or glance to one side with suspicion or disapproval.” When we think of side-eye in dogs, it generally falls into the latter category. So why do our furry friends give us this suspicious look?
What is a whale eye
Whale eye is a term that refers to the phenomenon of your dog giving you a half-moon eye. This is where you might see more of the whites of your dog’s eyes very clearly. Usually, this is prompted when they follow you out of their range of vision, pushing their pupils to the very corners of their eye sockets.
The whale eye is usually a sign that your pup is uncomfortable with something or anticipating something. You might notice them following you or other dogs and not taking an eye off you as you prepare food or get their lead out. This is because they want to know what you are doing as they are unsure of the situation. The half moon shape comes down to the look of their pupil and as a warning sign they are watching for something wrong.
Their body language can be a sign of what they are feeling. If your dog is laying down relaxed and giving you whale eye, they are likely just keeping tabs on what you are doing and anticipating something positive. However, if their body is stiff, the hair on their back is standing up, and they are giving you whale eye, they are likely feeling scared or threatened. Most dogs will show you in their body language when they feel threatened. Even though side eye is a hilarious dog trait sometimes, it can show discomfort or anxiety.
The eyes, the ears, and the tail can all be great signs to look at when it comes to dog body language. If you see their tail down and their ears back, this can signify their feeling uncomfortable. With a down tail and ears with whale eye, your dog is likely feeling very scared or anxious.
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What does it mean when dogs give a side eye?
There are a few different reasons. One reason is that dogs use side-eye to communicate their displeasure or dissatisfaction with something. For example, if you move too quickly towards them or make a sudden noise, they may give you the side-eye to say, “I don’t like that.”
Another reason dogs may give us the side-eye is because they feel insecure or threatened. If you loom over them, they may give you the side-eye to say, “Please back off; I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.”
Finally, a side-eye can also be a dog’s way of showing submission. If they feel like they are in trouble or being scolded, they may lower their head and give you a side-eye to show that they are submissive and not a threat.
What to do when your dogs give you a side eye?
The next time your pooch gives you the side-eye, take a moment to understand what they are trying to communicate. Look at your surroundings and see if there is anything that may be causing them to feel insecure or threatened. If not, they may just be trying to tell you that they don’t like something.
It may be something as simple as “I don’t like that,” or it could signify feeling insecure. Either way, side-eye is one of the many ways pets communicate with us. And by understanding what it means, we can better understand our furry friends.
If you are noticing the behavior often, you should comfort your dog and work to help them through the stimulus that might be making them feel anxious. This could include dog training to help their confidence or investing in some products that promote relaxation.
If you see the behavior consistently and are worried, it could signify that your dog is super anxious; you might want to speak to an animal behaviorist or veterinarian. Canine behavior experts can offer suggestions to help an anxious dog feel more comfortable. [1]
Signs your dog is experiencing stress:
If you see your dog exhibiting any of the following behaviors, they may be experiencing stress:
- Panting
- Drooling
- Shaking
- Clinging to you
- Hiding
- Trembling
- Yawning
- Lip licking
- Ears back
When your pup is stressed or anxious, their behavior can become somewhat unpredictable. Noticing the signs of side-eye or anxiousness in your dog can help you better understand what they are feeling and how to best help them.
Usually, if you see your dog’s body language, it is best to look at your surroundings and consider if your dog is feeling threatened or if there is anything that could make them anxious. If you can’t identify the sign right away, you could consider giving them some space and speaking with them calmly to keep them feeling at ease so they can work through their feelings or side eye.
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Side eye is natural
Looking closely at your pet behavior, we can see that side-eye is a natural behavior. It’s a method for dogs to express their feelings, such as annoyance, worry, or submission. And by understanding what side-eye means, we may better appreciate our canine companions. Keep in mind that all dogs will show this from time to time, and by accepting it and working through it, you can make sure your pet feels more at ease in your home and in your presence.
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Is there a breed that does side eye more?
Many hound dogs and bulldogs will perform side eye as they tend to be more food motivated and anxious breeds. Side eye can be more common in hounds as they tend to focus based on their biological triggers for hunting.
Does side eye always mean my dog is stressed?
An event or stress may not always cause side eye, your dog might just be watching you. Just keep a close eye on their body language.
What is a half moon eye in dogs?
Half moon eye is also known as side eye and this is where your dog is following you to the point that their pupil slightly disappears.
Why do you call it whale eye?
Whale eye gets its name from dogs watching humans or other animals. People have made this observation in whales too. Whales have their eyes on the side of their head and have to move their eyes to follow people on boats rather than turn their head. Whale eye shows that your pup may not be moving their head but just following you with their eyes.
Is side eye funny in dogs?
It can be funny to watch your dog give you side eye but you need to watch their body language to make sure they are not in distress as they give you side eye.
Article Sources:
- Racine, Elizabeth. “Whale Eyes in Dogs: Vet’s Guide to Signs and Causes.” PetsRadar,

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