Dog Not Pooping: How Long Can a Dog Go Without Pooping?
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Author: Seb Jenkins
Seb is a professional SEO writer with a degree in Journalism, he has five years of experience in writing and editing. Seb specializes in topics like dog and cat breeds, aquarium guides, and pet care. He is passionate about educating and entertaining animal owners worldwide. In his spare time, Seb enjoys writing fiction novels.
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by Dr. Chyrle Bonk
Dr. Chyrle Bonk is an associate veterinarian since 2010 and was a volunteer for Clearwater County Youth 4H. Dr. Bonk contributed to various animal and veterinary related websites and magazines as a way to help keep animals across the globe safe and healthy. When Chyrle not working she spends her time with her own furry crew of dogs, cats, and horses.
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Viewed: 4664
Updated on: 06/08/2023
Most owners are aware that their pups usually go between one and two times a day, but few know exactly how long a dog can go without pooping at all. While this may sound like a trivial piece of knowledge, it is important to spot symptoms and work out the causes of dog constipation. [1] After all, your pet can’t tell you when something is wrong, so you need to be able to spot it.
Is it normal for a Dog to not Poop for a whole day?
A dog will poop once or twice a day in a normal situation, some up to four times depend on the diet! However, you should not be concerned if your pup hasn’t pooped at all in the past 24 hours. In fact, dogs can easily go up to two days without pooping.
Once you get past the 48-hour mark, should you become concerned about the lack of pooping.
What do you do when your Dog doesn’t Poop?
If your pooch hasn’t pooped in over 48 hours, it is time to take action. Try out the following five key home remedies:
- Feed them canned pumpkin to help them poop.
- Add mineral oil to their food for extra lubrication.
- Give them plenty of exercise.
- Offer them lots of water.
- Make sure that they are eating enough fiber.
If things do not quickly improve, book an appointment with your local vet.
How often should a Dog Poop?
The average healthy dog will often poop once or twice a day. It’s also not uncommon for some pups to normally poop up to four times per day, depending on their diet [2] and exercise level. Having said that, canines can also easily go 48 hours without pooping at all. Therefore, it should be no cause for concern if they go two days without passing any fees. However, any longer than that and you should be concerned as constipation in dogs can lead to serious issues such as colitis, UTIs (urinary tract infection) and bladder obstructions.
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What are the Signs of Constipation in Dogs?
There are several signs to look out for when it comes to constipation in dogs, but here are the three main ones you should be aware of.
- If your dog is straining while they poop, they could be suffering from constipation.
- If, when they finally poop, their poop is nothing more than little balls of hard matter, this can be another sign.
- Finally, if they start crying or whining while trying to pass their poop, it may be a sign of constipation. If the dog is also dragging butt on the carpet and/or trying to lick it, they may be suffering from pain.
However, it is important to know that straining and pain can be linked to other issues too.
What Causes Constipation in Dogs?
There are a few reasons why your dog may be struggling to poop. There may be a lack of fiber in their diet. [3] They may be suffering from enlarged prostate glands or impacted anal glands. They may be experiencing the side effects of some medicine. They may be enduring a lack of physical activity and may be dehydrated.
How to encourage Digestive Health in your Dog
In the long-term, there are several things you can do to promote digestive health in your dog. Start by providing them a well-balanced diet that fits with their size, breed, and lifestyle. It may be helpful to include some extra fiber in their diet if they have repeated constipation episodes. Keep your dog hydrated by providing them with plenty of water and even think about adding canned food or broth to their diet to up their fluid intake. Every 6-12 months, you should also look to get your dog checked for worms by a veterinarian.
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Can I Treat Constipation in my Dog at home?
The simple answer to this question is yes, you can treat constipation in dogs at home if it’s mild and without any other symptoms. If they have not passed a stool in over 48 hours, you can resort to some home remedies. Your first port of call should be to feed your dog some pumpkin to get things moving. Canned pumpkin is high in fiber and helps to bulk up their bowel movements to encourage fecal matter to move out. You can also mix their usual food with mineral oil in order to lubricate their colon and get the poop going. Also, make sure that your pooch is getting plenty of exercises.
The more exercise, the easier it will be for them to poop. Make sure to offer them plenty of water along the way too. Finally, you should look to ensure that your dog has plenty of fiber in their diet. If their normal foods do not contain much fiber, then make a change. Ask your veterinarian to recommend high fiber diets or fiber supplements that you can give your dog.
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What do you do if your dog doesn’t poop for 3 days?
Dogs can normally go up to 48 hours without pooping. However, suppose they have not pooped in three days or showing signs of abdominal discomfort. In that case, it is definitely time to take action. You can try a few home remedies, but seek help from your local vet if the situation does not improve. Home remedies include:
- Feed them canned pumpkin to help them poop.
- Add mineral oil to their food for extra lubrication.
- Give them plenty of exercise.
- Offer them lots of water.
- Make sure that they are eating enough fiber.
How can I stimulate my dog to poop?
You can use any of the following tips:
- Add fiber to their diet.
- Add mineral oil to their food for extra lubrication/
- Ensure they are drinking lots of water
- Exercise them daily
- Feed them canned pumpkin
How often should dogs poop?
The average dog poops between one and two times per day, or up to four times.
However, canines can also easily go up to two days without pooping at all. You only need to be concerned after the 48-hour mark.
How can you tell if a dog can’t poop?
They will appear to strain when trying to poop. The most appealing sign of constipation: your pooch repeatedly posture without any output or cry or whine while attempting to poop. Or they may pass small, hard balls of stool rather than the normal form.
Article Sources:
- Lecoindre, A., and P. Lecoindre. “ Constipation in Dogs and Cats: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Behaviour.” CAB Direct, 28 Mar. 2021,
- Wernimont, Susan M., et al. “The Effects of Nutrition on the Gastrointestinal Microbiome of Cats and Dogs: Impact on Health and Disease.” US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,
- Beynen, Anton C. “Diet and Anal-Sac Impaction in Dogs.” Research Gate,

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