How To Bond With Your Dog: Ways To Improve The Relationship With A Dog
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Author: Vicki Smirnova
Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.
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Updated on: 01/17/2022
A dog may be a man’s best friend, but even he needs some help bonding and creating a long-term relationship of love and loyalty with his pet parent. Here are some ways you can better train your dog and make yourself indispensable to them so you can have a great relationship.
Dogs And Pet Parents Go Way Back
The connection between dogs and humans is a far more ancient one than most people realize. The earliest remains of human and dog joint burials date back to more than 14,000 years ago, and experts say the connection between humans and canines is far more ancient than that, and dogs are a greater part of human history than can be proved. For this reason, it is not wrong to believe that there is a cognitive element to this bond that reasserts itself every time you see a pup or keep a dog as a pet.
There are a few reasons why human beings are simply cognitively wired to love dogs, such as the following:-
- Human beings love play time with a dog or a puppy because it has an intrinsic gratification so for example you may be inclined to play endless fetch games just to keep your pooch happy. This is called unique interspecific interaction and explains why we want to invest the extra effort to train a dog and spend quality time with them.
- Human beings and canines have a rare almost extrasensory trait in common and that is they can both read vibes and individual energy and determine who is a friend and who is an open enemy. This ability in a dog accounts for their usefulness for defense purposes as well as hunting and tracking.
- Dogs are also like humans in that they are able to form a strong bond through eye contact as well as the sound of a voice. No wonder they so highly trainable through verbal cues and commands and are able to grasp the emotional importance of the words that are said; for example, they can easily differentiate between angry words and encouraging words. You don’t need to be a certified professional dog trainer to form stronger bond with your new puppy and to thrive in your relationship if you pay attention to a few basic cues.
Train And Treat
Following a pattern of regular walks and training is vital for most dogs to settle into a routine and to respond to you emotionally. Using the reward mechanism (giving them treats every time they respond to a command well) is a far more useful process to follow than using fear as a motivator to best bond with your dog. Research has indicated that the positive reinforcement method is not only more effective but also more conducive to forming a long-term, lasting bond with your pup. While many people use ‘mixed’ methods in which they alternate between positive rewards such as treats and negative behavior, it has been widely found that only positive mental stimulation successfully gains a dog’s trust in the long term. [1]
Consistent Communication Wins
Dogs, just like most pets, might be extremely intelligent creatures, but they aren’t super intellectual so don’t wait for them to read between the lines and decipher what you mean. They respond best to clear-cut instructions and training as well as semi-consistent behavior. If you are normally gentle but suddenly become vicious, you will have an unhappy pooch in your house who won’t respond to training and will develop an unstable personality. Bonding with your dog is a process where the most important thing in your relationship is consistency.
Decide on the message you want to put forward and the words you have chosen or designated for each action. Just like the human brain, the canine’s brain understands and registers repetition well and these established cues can be a solid foundation for building trust with your pet.
The Gut Is The Second Brain
Everyone in today’s time calls the gut the second brain of the body and for a good reason. In human beings, the food they eat and the nutrients they obtain dictate everything from healthy brain function to hormonal balance and prevention of disease. There is no reason to believe it’s not the same for animals. Your dog will think, learn, function, and live better with a good diet and ample and appropriate nutrition for their size and breed.
Invest in good meals for your dog instead of always taking the easy way with packaged treats or store-bought dog food. A dog tends to like diversity in regards to their food. This way you can boost their nutritional profile and build muscles and strong bones. Not to mention that will show their general energy level, responsiveness to training, and strong immunity. Avoid foods such as peanut butter as many dogs don’t get enough nutritional value out of it, reserve it as a special treat. Schedule regular trips to the vet with your pup so that you can get timely treatment for worms or other parasites that sometimes pop up, especially when a pup spends a lot of time outside digging and exploring. Even external irritants like ticks and mites or poor hygiene can impact most dogs to digest food and absorb nutrients.
The Call Of The Wild
While dogs have been widely domesticated for centuries now, you must not forget they need ample time outside and a lot of exercises and new experiences for training. If pets are not paid any attention or kept indoors for the majority of the time it affects their emotional health severely over time, making them listless, lethargic, and depressed. Furthermore, it may even affect their appetite.
Research has shown that the human-dog bond is strengthened and the health of both counterparts is affected beneficially with regular walking and outdoor exercise and interactive games. [2] Take your dog for a daily hour of outdoor fun even if you have a busy schedule and if you have a hyperactive breed like a German Shepherd, you may need to hire someone to give them an extra walk a day if you can’t spare the time.
Observe Your Dog’s Body Language Outside
There is no better way to teach your dog new skills and play his favorite games than being outside, in the wild, whether that means only going to the dog park or taking a trip to a forest. The openness is their home, and after you spend more time outside with your pup, you will have a greater understanding of your dog’s likes and needs. Canines thrive outside and it is there where you can best bond with them. A dog likes being free and it is where you can understand their basic behaviors best too. Also, you can best observe your dog’s body language here where he is free to roam. A new pup will need to get accustomed to your home first but as soon as your dog feels safe at home, plan a trip outside to start your training.
Learn What Most Dogs Prefer
Every dog has their own personality, and as a pet parent, it is your job to find out what that is and what your dog prefers. Favorite food, favorite words, cuddles, and even favorite places are vital information to have at your fingertips. Give your pup attention and love the way they respond best to it and you’ll see them become both happier and healthier. Just like people, dogs can have their own phobias and fears such as heights, water, other dogs, and so on.
Keep a diary to note if there is any basic behavior or stimulus (like sounds or odors) your dog finds disturbing and which aspects of daily life they adore so you can plan accordingly. You may see dog outfits or toys on social media or similar products but never forcibly put your pet in a situation that compromises their comfort and ability to move or relax. That does not mean not get your dog any treats or toys. You may show your appreciation by getting yourself and your dog a pillow with his portrait printed on it. This way, you are both reminded of your bond and have a place that you can both use to relax together. A product with a custom portrait of your pet will also strengthen your dog’s self-esteem as they can recognize themselves in pictures or paintings.
A Calming Touch
Dogs are very ‘hands-on’ animals in the sense that they aren’t like a hamster or a parrot to be left to their own devices inside a cage; they require constant human attention and affection and wither without it. As far as possible and as frequently as you can, give them pats, cuddles, hugs, strokes, and other soothing touches. It is a major bonding process and will make your pup love you all the more! If you’re training a guard dog for example it is also a good idea to make them used to your touch only to be wary of strangers or potential threats.
At the same time, a dog enjoys head pats and getting stroked or any form of physical contact. Animal behaviorists consider that pats result in better stress levels and even contribute to their overall health and expands a dog’s life! Human beings can lower their blood pressure and cortisol level by simply patting their pup a few times a day. A calming touch is also known to aid in the production of oxytocin and serotonin, with the former affecting a feeling of bonding with your dog and attachment and the latter being an overall happy hormone.
No Substitute For Time
Canines isn’t like people – they won’t get sick of you, in fact, they will thrive on human interaction. If a dog has its way, it would spend all day and all night with you and never get bored, there is nothing that they would love more. The most sure-shot way of ensuring a strong bond, mutual love, and attachment is created is by putting in the time daily to play and training your dog. Having varied experiences together is the best way to form a bond that will last the test of time. Go to the park or on hikes, play ball or fetch the Frisbee with your dog and make sure they have your full attention. Getting regular exercise with your pup is great for their mental health and yours as well.
Dogs are easy in this regard as they love to spend time with their pet parents, especially if they are treated well. If a dog is avoiding or scared of their pet parents, it usually means they are being mistreated, which will always impede successful training. If you’re serious about forming a bond with your dog and having a stronger relationship, schedule out time daily, or if you work from home, including your pup in all your breaks and mealtimes.
Article Sources:
- Castro, Ana, et al. “Improving Dog Training Methods: Efficacy and Efficiency of Reward and Mixed Training Methods.” PubMed, 1 Jan. 2021,
- Westgarth, Carri, et al. “How Might We Increase Physical Activity through Dog Walking? A Comprehensive Review of Dog Walking Correlates.” PubMed, 1 Jan. 2014,

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