How to Build Confidence in a Dog: 8 Ways To Improve Your Dog’s Confidence

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Vicki Smirnova

Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.

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Updated on: 12/22/2022

Do you have a dog that lacks confidence?

how to build confidence in a dogPhoto by @Oov from Freepik

Even bouncy, outgoing breeds, such as Labradoodles, can lose their confidence and become quite shy under certain circumstances. So, what can you do to boost your furry friend’s confidence and show him that life can be fun and not scary at all?

This article “how to build confidence in a dog” brings eight top tips for improving your dog’s confidence and getting them out of their shell.

1. Be A Leader

Dogs are naturally pack creatures [1] that live under a well-defined and recognized hierarchy or pecking order.

For example, in a pack of wild canines, the leader decides when the pack is to move on, rest, feed, and hunt. Mothers train their puppies from the very first day they are born, deciding when the pups are permitted to play and how far they can wander from the den.

Domestic fearful dog need that same leadership, rules, boundaries, and limitations to feel secure, safe, and confident. In a domestic setting, the owner’s role is more along the lines of teaching your pet rather than simply having him follow your lead all the time. So, within that structured routine, you take the role of parent or teacher, and your pet is the pupil or child.

Ultimately, you will enjoy a loving, trusting, happy relationship where both confident dog and owner respect each other.

2. Give Your Dog Choices

How to build confidence in a dog You can empower your dog and give him more confidence by offering him certain choices.

Those choices need to be binary, i.e., on yes/no terms, which your dog will understand. For example, you might offer your pet two toys to choose between at playtime, or you could give him a choice of two treats.

That exercise encourages your pet to make simple choices and helps to prepare your pet for more challenging situations that might otherwise dent his confidence. However, you are still maintaining your leader’s position by being the one who is offering the pet the choice.

3. Let Your Dog Think for Himself

Rather than doing everything for your dog, try to encourage your pet to think for himself.

For example, when you take your pet for a walk and his ball disappears into the undergrowth in the park, don’t get the ball for your pet. Instead, allow your furry friend to hunt down the missing toy instead. That kind of scent game can really help to give a shy dog more confidence, as the pup learns to figure out the problem for himself.

Of course, if your dog can’t find his toy, you can help him in his search. All the while, be sure to give your pet plenty of vocal encouragement and praise him when he finds his lost toy!

Another excellent game that can improve your dog’s confidence involves searching for hidden treats in your home or backyard. Start by showing your pup where you’re “hiding” a treat and allow your pet to retrieve it to get his reward.

Now, ask a volunteer to take your dog outside the room while you hide the treat. Let back your furry friend back into the room to hunt for the treat. To start with, you might need to give your pet some help and clues to the treat’s location. But every time your pet finds a treat, his self-confidence will grow in leaps and bounds!

4. One-On-One

Many dogs that spend time home alone appreciate a well-appointed, comfortable crate to spend time in. The crate must be the correct size for your fearful dog. So, if you have a large breed, such as a German Shepherd or a Golden retriever, you’ll most likely need an XXL crate.

However, no matter how appealing you make his crate, a pet that’s left alone for much of the day with little human interaction can quickly become shy, withdrawn, and lacking in confidence. Make time each day for at least an hour’s one-on-one time with your canine companion. Instead of simply taking your pooch to the dog park or for a walk, spend time brushing him, playing games, or simply petting him.

building confidence in dogPhoto by Steve Smith on Unsplash

5. Praise Confident Dogs!

Dog ownership is undoubtedly a wonderful experience and can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. However, things don’t always go strictly to plan, and there will be times when your pet gets it wrong, especially when potty training.

But it would be best to remember that nobody’s perfect, including your beloved pet. How you emotional response to your dog’s mistakes colors how he will respond.

All your dog training should be based on positive reinforcement methods, [2] never punishment and scolding. Don’t be a scary person. If your pet is constantly treading on eggshells in case he makes a mistake and incurs your displeasure and a telling-off, he will rapidly lose confidence, possibly becoming withdrawn and shy.

Instead, when your pet gets it wrong, be patient, calm, and don’t get flustered. Use a clear verbal cue, such as “No!” that your pet understands. Then, when your pet does the right thing, praise him and reward him with a treat.

6. Obedience Dog Training

raise confident dogPhoto by Blue Bird from Pexels

Although regularly taking your pup to obedience classes is undoubtedly a good idea, the confidence building exercises should continue daily.

RELATED: Online Dog Training Courses

For example, when you take your pet out for a walk on his leash, stop at every street corner and have your pet sit or lie down until you release him from the command to cross the street together with your pet walking to heel.

Using commands throughout the day can help to improve your dog’s confidence. Each time your dog is made to obey your command, he learns that you are the pack leader. The pet doesn’t need to worry or get stressed and anxious about making decisions because you make them for him.

Remember to praise and reward your dog when he responds correctly and immediately to your commands.

7. Don’t Give Insincere Praise

Dogs are highly sensitive to your tone of voice and body language, even if they don’t understand any of your words.

Although you should praise your pup when they do something good, don’t go overboard! They could find your overenthusiastic praise confusing, which will dent their confidence.

Also, suppose you have a lively, boisterous breed. In that case, over-the-top praise might make your dog become overexcited and giddy, which could cause undesirable behaviors, such as barking and jumping up. Then, you’ll have to correct your pet, causing even more confusion.

8. Don’t Have Favorites

If you have multiple dogs, don’t make the mistake of favoring or comparing them.

train a confident dogPhoto by Sam Manickaraj on Unsplash

Dogs are empathic creatures that quickly pick up on your mood, and if one senses that you’re favoring other of his housemates, jealousy could result. At worse, the pet that feels left out could become aggressive toward the favored pup. More likely, the least popular pup will begin to feel inferior and lose confidence, believing that he can never match up to his housemate, no matter what he does.

Final Thoughts

If you have a shy dog that lacks confidence, you can take positive steps to make your pup feel more confident.

Be your dog’s pack leader so that your pet doesn’t have to worry about making daily decisions and be his teacher. Let your pet solve simple problems and praise him when he gets things right. Spend plenty of one-to-one time with your pet every day, and be sure not to have a favorite if you have more than one canine companion.

Article Sources:

  1. “Dogs Are Pack Animals.” Animal Care Hospital of Reynoldsburg, 1 May 2022,
  2. “How To Train Your Dog – Positive Reinforcement.” Dogs Trust,