How Do I Keep my Dog from Scratching at the Door?
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Author: Elle Veranth
A copywriter for articles and blogs about pet care, food, beverage, and business. Has always had a passion for writing and editing, but began taking freelancing seriously fairly recently.
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Updated on: 12/07/2021
All pet parents know that pet parenthood does not come without challenges. Dogs require a lot of care and attention. They also have their distinct personalities and actions, just like humans do. Some of those actions are undesirable ones, unfortunately.
In this instance, we are talking about dogs that scratch doors. Not all pups do this, but it can be a difficult habit to break for the ones that do.
Dogs scratch at doors for several reasons, such as boredom, separation anxiety, or because they need to go outside to use the bathroom. Read on to discover the breakdown of each reason and how to keep dog from scratching door.
Why Do Dogs Scratch Doors?
There are five main reasons that a dog scratches at a door. Those reasons are anxiety, boredom, wanting attention, they see something outside the door, or need to go outside to potty. We will discuss each of them in detail.
Separation anxiety is one of the main reasons for door scratching. It is a fairly common ailment amongst dogs, especially ones that were recently adopted from a shelter or are used to spending a lot of time with their owners.
A rescue dog will need time to adjust to a new living arrangement, especially ones that came from traumatic situations. When their new owner leaves home, they may think that they are getting abandoned again and it will trigger separation anxiety. Also, pups that are used to being around their owner 24/7 are going to be upset if their owner suddenly leaves.
An anxious reaction typically includes barking, whining, jumping, and becoming destructive. The door is often a viable option as an object to destroy.
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A dog may also scratch a door due to boredom. They are active creatures and they enjoy being entertained. If they are deprived of that entertainment, they will quickly find ways to entertain themselves. Sometimes that means destroying things around the house, including the door.
As long as you are giving your pup daily exercise and attention, they will likely be less inclined to destroy things when left alone. If a dog is properly exercised, it should sleep for most of the rest of the day.
If your dog is a chewer, you could buy them a strong toy for them to chew on to keep busy. A Kong is a good idea because it is made of strong material and you can fill it with peanut butter or treats for them.
Wanting Attention
Many dogs form strong bonds with their owners and vice versa. They love attention from their owners and want to spend time with them. When they feel that they are not getting enough attention, they can begin to rebel.
A dog wanting attention will not be happy about its owner leaving the house which may lead them to scratch at the door. Wanting attention may also correlate with being bored or anxious.
The best way to make sure your dog’s love tank is full is to not deprive them of attention. Give them the exercise, playtime, pets, and cuddles that they deserve.
Seeing Something Outside
If your dog sees something on the other side of the door, they may want to try to get to it. For example, dogs with a high prey drive like to chase small animals. If they see a squirrel or a bunny outside, they might jump up on the door and thus, scratch it.
Another example is if they see another dog or a person walk by, they may go into protection mode. This includes barking and jumping on the door.
Potty Time
The final reason that a dog might scratch the door is that they need to go outside to go potty. This could be their way of alerting you, so it is important to pay attention to their body language.
Think about the last time they previously went to the bathroom. If several hours have passed, they probably need to go outside and relieve themselves. They may also make a crying or whining sound. If they do this, be sure to let them outside immediately. You could also consider installing a doggie door so they can go outside on their own.
READ MORE: Dog Potty Training
Is it Dangerous for a Dog to Scratch the Door?
Not only is a dog scratching the door destructive behavior, but it can also be potentially dangerous. When a dog scratches, they jump up and make fast scratching motions with their paws. This can damage nails, paw pads, and feet. If the door is made of wood, the wood can splinter and then puncture their paws. If the door has a glass panel, some larger dogs may accidentally use too much force and end up breaking the glass.
If the wood splinters, a dog might also chew them. This could puncture their mouth or throat. If they swallow it, it could obstruct their bowels.
How to Stop and Prevent Door Scratching
It can be challenging to stop and prevent door scratching, but here are some ideas. First, make sure your pup has received enough exercise for the day. To hopefully reduce anxiety, you can leave something with your scents on it, such as a shirt or a scarf.
Use Repetition and Rewards
Another tip that might help is to say the same words to your dog each time before you leave. With repetition, they will begin to understand that you are leaving but will be coming back. [1] You should always reward them for good behavior, too. If they show that they are learning that scratching the door is bad, praise them and use positive reinforcement.
Crate Training
You could try to prevent door scratching by crate training your dog so that can become their safe space when you’re away. Most dogs like their crate since they associate it with being their own space. They could also go to doggy daycare so they get a lot of exercise and playtime with other dogs.
READ MORE: Puppy Crate Training
Why does my dog scratch the door?
Dogs scratch doors for several reasons. Such reasons include anxiety, boredom, wanting attention, seeing something outside, or needing to go potty.
How can I get my dog to stop scratching the door?
You can get your dog to stop scratching the door by ensuring they’ve received enough exercise, leave an article of your clothing for them, use dog training and repetition, install a pet door, crate train them, or take them to doggy daycare.
How do I stop door scratching at night?
Stopping your dog from scratching the door at night can be done by using most of the same tactics listed above. You could also allow them to sleep in your bedroom with you.
Article Sources:
- 1Beveridge, Kate. “How To Stop Your Dog From Scratching The Door?” Savvy Doggo, 27 May 2021.