Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands? Positive and Negative Signs Why Your Dog Licks Your Hands

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Vicki Smirnova

Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.

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Updated on: 06/10/2022

A dog licks its owner to express joy, affection, love and devotion and will cheerfully rush to its owner upon their return home. If the dog cannot reach the owner’s face, it will lick the hands of the person, demonstrating delight and pleasure that he/she is near. But…does it actually mean boundless love or something deeper? Let’s talk about the possible reasons why a dog licks its owner’s hands, feet and face.

why does my dog lick my handsPhoto by @nakaridore from Freepik

Positive signs why your dog licks your hands

There are several possible positive reasons why your pet wants to behave this way:

1. Instinctive behavior

One of the main reasons a pet may lick your hand is that you are part of your dog’s pack. Because dogs are part of the wolf family, their instinctive pack behavior comes through in their relationship with their owners, and hand frantic licking is part of that.

The pack’s “alpha” is responsible for all other wolves. To show their submission to the alpha, other pack members lick him. The dog may perceive you as the alpha and try to demonstrate its obedience and submission.

In addition, this behavior may be because, in childhood, the mother dog licks her puppies for a long time. In the first months of life, puppies have not yet formed immunity and can easily catch some kind of infection. By licking the puppies, the mother dog maintains the cleanliness of its coat, thereby preventing the possibility of infection. This contributes to the normal growth and development of babies. Even when the puppies have grown, the mother still continues to lick them, reinforcing family feelings. Observing their mother’s behavior, puppies copy her behavior when they become adults.

2. Way of dating

All dog owners have noticed that, when meeting a new person, the pet always sniffs and sometimes even licks, them. Thus, the receptors located in the nose and tongue of the animal accumulate and store unique information about the stranger, which helps it immediately recognize them at the next meeting.

3. Ownership instinct

In the presence of strangers, the pet demonstratively licks his master very often. In this way, the quadruped declares its ownership of its owner person. By licking the owner’s palms and face, the animal demonstrates that only he can invade the owner’s personal space and that he is the closest to the owner.

4. Expression of love and devotion

Some believe that a pet licks its owner to express its emotional state, love, and devotion. Just like us, animals experience different emotions.

5. They try to greet you

When a dog licks your hand, it may simply mean “hello.” You just got home, and your pet wants to greet you with a hand lick. Smell and taste are vital to a pet, so it will sniff your hand and appreciate your scent to ensure you are trustworthy.

Also, the dog may try to kiss a person who is upset or sad about something, thus demonstrating sympathy and support.

what does it mean when dog lick your handsPhoto by Kanashi on Unsplash

6. You smell delicious

The reaction to a delicious smell is another factor influencing the licking of the host’s face. The owner ate something tasty, and the pet was attracted by the smell of food. The pet will lick the owner in the hope that he will share the delicacy.

7. Your pet wants to play

Puppies and young dogs are mobile, sociable, playful animals. If the pet wants to play, it will signal this in every possible way, including licking. To satisfy the needs of the pet, it is important to ensure that it has favorite toys that can be licked.

8. Your pet is trying to help you

The four-legged friends of man are famous healers and often show an increased interest in diseased parts of it’s owner’s body, lying down on him/her and licking him/her for a long time. Even if there are no visible injuries on the owner’s leg, arm or any other area, the dog tries to remove the pain by feeling it from the inside.

9. Your dog is studying you

When a dog licks another pet’s face and nose, it can get certain information from it. These zones contain the necessary information about the behavior of a stranger. Licking it, the pet understands how to behave. The same thing happens with a person. Licking the nose and lips of its owner, a pet draws conclusions about his/her mood, and understands what to expect from the owner and how to react.

10. Caring for the owner

With the help of licking, dogs “wash” inaccessible parts of the bodies of other dogs. An animal may decide that a person needs this kind of washing and start licking him/her. Active licking of the face and hands is often associated with an unusual smell of perfume or something else for the pet. [1]

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Negative signs why domestic dogs lick hands

“Dog kisses” are not always an expression of positive emotions. In some cases, dog’s behavior may be a signal that the dog needs your help or is experiencing negative emotions. Also, dog kiss your hand because its sick. Licking can be a sign of illness or a serious problem with the pet. A dog may lick a person when:

1. The dog is sick

If a dog develops a compulsive habit of licking itself or other objects, such as the floor, then this can be an alarming symptom of incipient disease. Constant licking of the owner or other objects may indicate a disease of the gastrointestinal tract in a dog. Thus, by licking the owner, the pet is trying to reduce discomfort. In this case, the pet must be taken to the veterinarian. If no pathology is found and it is purely a behavioral problem, your doctor will refer you to an animal behaviorist.

In order for your pet not to have such problems, he must have a variety of leisure activities and a sense of security at home. The stress factor can be reduced by intellectual toys, sufficient attention from the owner and more frequent walks. In addition, the owner may need to change a behavior responsible for the dog’s actions; an animal behaviorist can teach the owner how to properly communicate with their pet.

2. Lack of teaching

If the pet bothers you with its caresses, you must persistently (in a neutral tone) and regularly forbid it to do this. Switch attention to, for example, a toy or a treat, and provide it with sufficient physical activity during walks.

3. Boredom

If your pet is bored and looking for fun, it may try to “play” with you by licking your feet or hands. Make sure your dog gets enough exercise, walks and physical activity.

negative signs why dogs lick handsPhoto by Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pexels

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4. Lack of trace elements.

The secretions of human sweat glands give the skin a salty taste. A dog lacking trace elements in the body may lick off its owner’s sweat. Sometimes, this is accompanied by attempts to lick other objects, such as walls, furniture and shoes.

5. Hunger

Licking often indicates that a pet is hungry. If the pet (especially a puppy) does not gain weight, it is worth increasing its portions.

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How can I stop my dog from licking?

Dog’s licking is often a demonstration of love and devotion, so the pet should not be scolded for it. But overly intrusive dog kisses can annoy dog owners. In this case, it is recommended to wean the pet. Some effective methods are:

  • As soon as the pet tries to kiss, give a command to stop. It is necessary to command in a strict voice but not to shout. If the animal has stopped the unwanted action, praise it and/or give it a tasty treat.
  • Change your hand cream or body lotion. Dogs do not like the scent of citrus fruits, and they are unlikely to lick you if you are wearing such a cream or lotion.
  • Ignore the dog’s actions. If your pet licks you while you pet him, stop petting immediately. If this does not help, go to another room. Stick to this tactic of behavior every time the incident repeats; over time, the addiction will disappear.
  • Praise your pet for good behavior. A common reason why a dog licks a person is to get their attention.
  • Stick to the sequence – if you decide to wean from “dog kissing,” do not change your mind. Also, ask other family members to support you in retraining.
  • Ensure that the pet expends enough energy; spend more time with the dog outside; encourage running and outdoor games.

Extremely rare, but constant excessive licking of the owner’s face and hands may indicate neurosis in the pet. If an animal overly obsessively offers its “tenderness,” you should think about contacting a professional dog handler. The specialist will find out the exact cause of the unwanted dog behavior and tell the pet parents how to deal with it.

As a rule, with a competent approach of a specialist and responsible behavior of the owner, most dogs successfully get rid of obsessive habits and find much more interesting things in the world around them than on the tip of their tongue. But it is important to remember that the problem is easier to prevent than to solve later on. Therefore, before purchasing a pet, make sure in advance that you will have enough time and energy to provide it with all the necessary conditions. [2]

how to stop dog from lickingWirestock

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What does it mean when a dog licks your hand constantly?

A domestic dog licks a person’s hands to demonstrate delight and pleasure that its owner is nearby. Also, a pet can kiss the owner, attracting his/hers attention when it wants to communicate or when it’s time to satisfy her needs for food, water or a walk.

Should you let your dog lick your hand?

Licking is an instinct and is impossible to totally eradicate. If your dog’s kisses do not go beyond what is permitted, then you should not wean it. Help should be sought only if the pet’s behavior is excessively obsessive.

Why does my dog lick my clothes?

Your dog may lick your clothes because your scent is on them; it smells your scent on the fabric, which makes it feel calmer.

Why does my dog lick my hand when I pet him/her?

Many dog breeders are sure that this is a manifestation of love and devotion; some believe that it is a purely biological phenomenon, laid down by nature. Most likely, a dog licks a person to express needs, to express his devotion, love and joy.

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Article Sources:

  1. “Why Is My Dog Licking Me? Tips To Identify And Alleviate Problem Licking.” American Kennel Club, akc.org/expert-advice/advice/why-is-my-dog-licking-me/.
  2. De Waal, Frans B. M., and Peter L. Tyack. “Animal Social Complexity: Intelligence, Culture, and Individualized Societies.” ResearchGate, researchgate.net/publication/287633133_Animal_Social_Complexity_Intelligence_Culture_and_Individualized_Societies.