Can Cats Eat Bananas? Are bananas bad for cats?
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Author: Elle Veranth
A copywriter for articles and blogs about pet care, food, beverage, and business. Has always had a passion for writing and editing, but began taking freelancing seriously fairly recently.
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Updated on: 01/20/2022
Some dogs find human foods irresistible, but cats, on the other hand, tend to be a little bit pickier. Regardless, some feline friends still love certain human foods and look forward to having them as a treat.
There are certain kinds of human foods that are safe for pet parents to feed their cats, some that can be eaten occasionally, and some that are completely off-limits. In this article, we will be conducting a deep dive on whether or not they can eat bananas.
It is important to keep in mind that every cat is different. What one will likes to eat, another cat may turn the other way. You should never force your pet to eat something that they do not like or want to try, as they are notoriously picky eaters. So, can cats eat bananas?
Are Bananas Okay for Cats to Eat?
The short answer to this question is yes. In general, bananas are considered safe for cats to eat, and some of them may consider it a nice treat and look forward to eating a small piece.
However, that does not mean that you should feed bananas to your cat very often. A small piece of a banana every once in a while will not be harmful to your feline friend, but it should not be a regular occurrence.
Some cats can appear to be picky eaters, but they do not have a strong sense of taste like humans do. Even foods that are safe for cats to eat may not be all that appealing to them. Felines lack taste buds that can taste sweet things, so it should not be surprising if they are not interested in trying bananas or other fruits.
To try and see if they like bananas, cut up a very small piece and give it to them like a treat. You could try to put it in their food bowl, too.
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Are Bananas Healthy for Cats to Eat?
Bananas are packed with vitamins and minerals that yield many health benefits, and they make a great addition to any breakfast or a healthy snack.
Cats, on the other hand, have very different nutritional requirements. They need a high-protein diet and rely heavily on nutrients found in animal products. The nutritional balance that they require is similar to what it would be if they were to hunt for their food in the wild. However, domestic felines have evolved and can get all of their nutritional needs from high-quality cat food.
The University of Missouri Small Animal Clinical Nutrition Service emphasizes the importance of feeding your cat a complete and balanced diet, so they do not need to rely on nutritional treats, [1] such as bananas, for an extra boost. They highly recommend consulting with veterinarian or an animal nutritionist professional for their best food suggestions for your four legged friend.
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Bananas are rich in potassium, fiber, magnesium, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. These nutrients are great for cats, but too much of them can lead to problems. For example, too much fiber can cause diarrhea, which can then cause dehydration and other health issues. Potassium is excellent for the heart and kidneys, but too much potassium can be dangerous. A feline’s digestive system is also very different from a human’s.
The main downside of feeding bananas to a cat is the high amount of sugar and carbohydrates they contain. A cat’s diet should be made up of mostly protein. Treats, including fruits that are safe to eat, should only make up about 2% of your kitty’s diet. [2] Too much sugar and carbs can lead to spikes in blood sugar, upset stomach, and excess weight gain. Cats who are overweight, diabetic, or have another health condition should avoid eating bananas.
If your cat is an outdoor pet or very active in general, they may be able to have bananas as treats more frequently than lazier ones. Their bodies will begin to burn off the carbohydrates when they exercise. However, you should still consult a vet for more information.
In essence, cats should obtain their nutrients from their daily food. However, enjoying an occasional piece of a banana as a treat will not do any harm, so long as your kitty likes them, does not have any other health conditions, and is not allergic.
How to Feed Banana Pieces to a Cat
This should be obvious, but since cats do not have opposable thumbs, you will need to peel the banana for them. They should not consume the peel, or parts of it, under any circumstances, and it can cause an obstruction in their bowels if your cat eats it.
Next, the banana needs to be broken or cut into very small pieces. Your pet should be able to fit the piece completely in its mouth and have plenty of room to chew. You could try slicing a piece of the banana that is approximately one-quarter of an inch thick and then cut that piece into quarters. When in doubt, always go smaller than you think.
Cats who like the occasional banana treat likely will not be picky about how you feed it to them. You could just give the piece to them as is, mix it in with their kibble, or freeze it so they can enjoy a nice cool treat on a hot summer day.
Can a Cat have an Allergic Reaction after Eating a Banana?
Believe it or not, food allergies exist in dogs and cats, too, just like in humans. Some felines can be allergic to bananas, but the only way to find out is to have them try a piece of it.
If you choose to feed your cat a piece of a banana, watch closely to see if an allergic reaction occurs. Some allergic symptoms include: [1]
- Itchy rash.
- Itchiness in the mouth and throat.
- Swelling of the throat.
- Skin or mucosal swelling.
- Wheezing or difficulty breathing.
Call your vet immediately if your cat experiences allergic reactions to eating a banana or anything else.
Even if no allergic reaction occurs, it is never a bad idea to observe your cat after feeding them a new kind of food. For example, if you notice your pet experiencing diarrhea after eating a banana piece, they may be susceptible to it. If this occurs, consider refraining from feeding your kitty bananas.
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How much of a banana can a cat eat?
Cats should only eat very small banana pieces since they can pose a choking hazard. Cut up the banana into bite-sized pieces that are appropriate for your cat. They should never consume any part of the peel.
They generally should not have any more than one small slice in total regarding the quantity, and that slice should also be cut into smaller pieces. Cats should not eat bananas very regularly since they are high in sugar and carbohydrates. They can be given as a special treat on occasion if your cat likes the taste of them.
Which fruits can cats eat?
There are a variety of fruits that cats can eat, so long as they are given in very small amounts. They should not consume the leaves, skin, or seeds of these fruits. The fruit should also be fresh, and animals should never have preserved or canned fruit.
Here is a list of fruits that cats can eat: [3]
- Bananas
- Watermelon
- Strawberries
- Berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and cranberries)
- Apples
- Mangoes
- Pineapple
- Cantaloupe
Which fruits are toxic to cats?
Depending on the size of your cat, and how much they consume, a small amount may not be all that harmful. However, these fruits should still be avoided to eliminate any potential risks.
Here are some fruits that your pet should not eat: [4]
- Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits)
- Grapes
- Coconut
- Avocados
Why can’t cats have bananas?
Some cats may be allergic to bananas, so they cannot eat them. A severe allergic reaction can be deadly. If you are feeding your pet a banana for the first time, pay close attention to how they act afterward. If they appear to be having a reaction, call your vet immediately.
If your kitty is not allergic to bananas, it’s not that they cannot eat them, and it’s just that they should not eat them very often. Bananas should only be given as an occasional treat, that is, if your cat likes eating them. Many of them are picky.
Bananas are also high in sugar and carbohydrates, better avoided in excess quantities. Overeating of these can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health conditions. Those who are overweight, diabetic, or have another condition should likely not consume bananas, but you can always talk to your vet to get their input.
- Mouton Dowdy, Sarah. “Can Cats Eat Bananas? 4 Keys to Feeding the Fruit to Your Cat Safely.” Daily Paws, 29 August 2020.
- “Can Cats Eat Bananas?” Petfinder,
- Manucy, Teresa, DVM. “Which Fruits Can Cats Eat?” Pet MD, 30 June 2020.
- “People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets.” ASPCA,

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