Can Cats Eat Strawberries? (Vet Advice)
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Author: Dr. Linda Simon
Dr. Linda Simon is a veterinary surgeon working with seven years of experience. She is a fellow of the British Veterinary Association and specializing in animal medicine. Also, she has been the Woman magazine resident vet for the past two years and writes a regular column for them, focusing on pets and their health.
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Viewed: 52
Updated on: 03/17/2023
If you are munching down on a refreshing bowl of sweet strawberries, you may be wondering if cats can eat strawberries too? The great news is that cats can eat and digest strawberries safely.
While a cat’s diet should not contain much sugar, small quantities now and then should pose no issue. There are both benefits and drawbacks to lettings cats eat strawberries, so let’s take a closer look at things.
Are Strawberries Bad for Cats?
As long as your kitty is fed a balanced diet, giving some cat treats every now and then is no bad thing. Indeed, it is a lovely way to bond with your pet; just like us, they enjoy a bit of variety in their diet from time to time. Cat treats are also a great training tool and can reinforce good behaviors.
We would not want strawberries to feature as a main part of our cat’s diet as too much sugar can cause an upset stomach. So, while they are safe for cats, we would not want our pets to eat fruit more than once or twice a week.
How Much Is Too Much?
As a general rule of thumb, I’d recommend one medium strawberry once or twice a week, which can be chopped up and fed alone or added to meals. Owners can chop the stalk off if they wish and should rinse away any dirt or chemicals that could be on the strawberry.
This would be recommended for an adult cat, and kittens are best to stay away from strawberries entirely. While not toxic, too many fresh strawberries could lead to diarrhea (loose poo) in a young kitty, and they are more prone to dehydration and low blood sugar.
Serving strawberries should be something that is done occasionally if an owner wishes to do so and their cat enjoys the taste. Too many strawberries can upset the digestive systems, and most felines don’t know when to stop eating them!
Alternative Healthy Snacks
There are plenty of other treats we can give our kitty. This would include morsels of cooked chicken or fish, treats designed for pets (like Dreamies), or even veggies such as broccoli and carrots. We can experiment to see what our cat enjoys eating.
Remember, all felines are obligate carnivores, so they enjoy eating mainly meat. Other things like fruit and vegetables should only be fed in moderation. Pet parents should avoid toxic fruits such as citrus fruits and raisins, as they are unsafe for them.
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Are there any health benefits of strawberries for my cat?
Healthy cats do not need to eat strawberries to stay healthy. However, they do potentially provide certain health benefits.
As they are high in vitamin C, they can support skin health as well as the immune system. Some experts, though, believe that our feline friends struggle to digest vitamin C in the same manner as us, so while they may be ingesting the vitamin C, their bodies may not be able to use it effectively.
Strawberries are a rich source of polyphenols, nutrients that have been proven to be cancer protective in humans. Whether or not this effect is also seen in felines is yet to be determined.
Can cats eat strawberries if they have food allergies?
An allergic reaction from food is not that uncommon in cats, and these reactions tend to be mild rather than life-threatening or ‘anaphylactic’. Allergic reactions symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, itchy skin, and a failure to thrive.
The most common cat food allergies and sensitivities include fish, meat, grain and dairy. While possible for a cat to be allergic to strawberries, this is really uncommon.
If a cat develops true IGE anaphylactic symptoms after eating strawberries (like trouble breathing, facial swelling or hives) we must not feed them any strawberries at all.
RELATED: What Can Cats Eat: Recommendations from a Vet
Are strawberries safe for diabetic cats?
Those with diabetes should be on a specialized diet and should be fed at set meal times. You must avoid feeding sugary foods or those high in carbohydrates; in reality, sweet things are off the menu. For these cats, I’d avoid strawberries altogether. Rather, offer other foods like lean meat and fish if your cat really deserves a treat.
If an owner feeds their diabetic cat one strawberry, nothing bad will happen. However, their health may well suffer if too many berries are given over time.
READ MORE: Can Cats Eat Sour Cream?
What happens if a cat eats strawberries?
A cat’s digestive system is not really designed to eat strawberries, they really need balanced pet food. their regular pet food should be complete and balanced, delivering all of the nutrition that they need to grow and thrive. However, human foods like strawberries can be fed in small amounts now and then to our feline friends.
As all cats lack sweet taste receptors, they may choose to forego eating strawberries. This is not an issue, they do not need them! So, if you offer a strawberry but your kitty turns your nose up at it, it is unnecessary to continue to offer it again and again.
What fruit is toxic to cats?
You should not feed your pet toxic fruits, including grapes, raisins, sultanas, avocados, or citrus fruits. Some fruits that are okay to feed include berries, bananas, and watermelons without seeds.
Why do cats go crazy for strawberries?
Not all cats enjoy eating berries, but many will do. If a cat likes strawberries, this is likely to do with the unusual texture and the juicy contents of a ripe strawberry. For the majority of cats, they can take or leave a sweet taste.
Can cats eat strawberries and blueberries?
Yes, cats can eat these berries and more. As blueberries are a potential choking hazard, cutting them in half before serving can be wise. The natural sugars of berries do not provide much nutritional benefit to a cat, so these berries should be given as a ‘sometimes’ treat.
How many strawberries can a cat safely eat?
I’ve never seen a case of a cat coming into the clinic because they’ve eaten too many strawberries. This is a non-toxic fruit that isn’t going to cause any major clinical issues.
However, keep the portion size small so your kitty does not develop any runny stool or vomiting. For the average-sized cat, 1 or 2 strawberries will be more than enough, and we should avoid serving them more often than twice a week.
Can my cat have strawberry yogurt or ice cream?
As a general rule of thumb, we want to steer clear of any dairy-containing products when it comes to our feline friends. Most adult cats are lactose intolerant, which upsets their digestive systems if we feed dairy.
We should also keep in mind that these foods are designed for humans and often contain other ingredients like sugars or sweeteners, which we should never feed our kitties.
In a similar vein, do not be tempted to feed other human foods like strawberry sweets, tarts, or cakes. This sort of “junk food” might be yummy for us, but the nutritional value is zilch and the excess calories and sugar can lead to long-term health issues, including weight gain, diabetes and joint disease.

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