Can Cats Eat Honey? Can Cats Digest Honey? (Vet Advice)

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Carol Young
Carol Young

Author: Carol Young

Carol has worked in specialty, emergency, mixed animal and general veterinary practices, and enjoys all aspects of veterinary medicine. Her special areas of interest include anesthesia, critical care, emergency, dentistry, internal medicine and small animal nutrition.

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Updated on: 09/02/2021

Since cats are natural carnivores, they are generally not fond of eating sugary treats such as honey. One of the reasons for this is that they lack certain taste buds that are programmed to taste sweet things. However, if you are wondering if your feline friend can have honey, the good news is that it can boost your pet’s immune system and act as an antioxidant if you follow some of the guidelines listed below.

can cats eat honey

Should Cats Eat Honey?

Although honey is non-toxic to them, many veterinarians recommend giving a locally produced one without any preservatives or additives. Also, owners should be aware that it has no nutritional value and can cause some gastrointestinal (GI) distress, stomach problems, and possible weight gain due to the added calories. If your kitty has diabetes, sugary foods such as honey are discouraged as they can raise your blood sugar and cause issues with insulin function.

Do Cats Like Honey?

As mentioned above, felines lack the taste buds that detect “sweetness,” and as a result, most of them do not like honey. As true carnivores, they prefer treats and foods that are high in animal protein and contain animal fats. However, if your kitty begs for a taste of honey spread on your toast, make sure that it is organic, preferably raw, and free of any preservatives or additives. Also, make sure you only offer a small portion. A single teaspoon has 64 calories, and most felines need between 24-35 calories per pound per day, so for a 10-pound cat, a teaspoon of honey can be between 1/4 and 1/3 their daily calorie allowance.

Can Cats Digest Honey?

Unlike humans, they are true carnivores, and their digestive system is geared towards processing animal proteins and fats. Cats do thrive on the protein that’s based on meat, but they also need fiber, but in smaller amounts compared to human beings and even dogs. They also require certain essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can only be obtained from animal proteins. Although felines can digest honey, the excess sugars in it (fructose and/or glucose) may pose some digestive issues if fed too much.

can i give my cat honeyPhoto by Kristina Yadykina on Unsplash

What Can Happen If My Cat Eats Honey?

As mentioned above, honey does not provide any additional dietary fiber or nutrients, so chances are if your kitty eats a little bit of it, you won’t notice any ill effects. However, if your cat does eat honey, keep an eye out for the following signs and symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Weight gain
  • Fluctuations in insulin levels

Depending on the animals’ immune system, digestive system, and overall health, even a small amount of honey can be a bit too much for your feline friend. It is important to note that cats suffering from diabetes and obesity and young kittens with underdeveloped immune systems should not have it. The added calories, sugar, and potential bacteria in just a small serving can pose harmful risks.

Can Sick Cats Have Honey?

Most pets who are sick don’t feel like eating. If you have a cat that is sick, not eating or drinking, or is exhibiting other issues, contact your veterinarian right away to rule out any serious medical conditions. If your kitty does not have any underlying medical conditions and has been cleared by your veterinarian to have honey, then make sure that you offer no more than 1/2 teaspoon at a time, preferable only once per day. Felines are natural carnivores and are drawn to foods that contain animal protein and fats. Chances are a sick feline will not opt for it, but it does depend on the cat. It is recommended to consult your veterinarian first before offering anything to a sick pet.

READ MORE: How Do I Get My Sick Cat to Eat? (Vet Advice)

How Much Honey Can Cats Eat?

Most veterinarians will advise against offering your cat honey, period. However, if your kitty is not diabetic or is relatively healthy, it is recommended to offer no more than 1/2 teaspoon once in a while. As mentioned above, a teaspoon of honey contains 64 calories, which can be a lot of empty calories with no nutritional value. If you decide to offer your cat honey, offer a small taste first and monitor your feline friend for any signs of GU distress or discomfort. If your cat experiences any vomiting or diarrhea, then definitely stop offering it altogether.

Does Honey Have Any Benefits for Cats?

Some pet owners suggest that raw, all-natural honey has many benefits for kitties, that can include:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anti-bacterial properties
  • Help with allergies
  • Rich in antioxidants
does honey have any benefits for catsPhoto from Freepik

However, once again, cats are true carnivores and have a difficult time processing sugars, and since it is high in glucose, it can cause some potential GI issues. Also, raw honey sets your pet up for a potential bacterial infection (i.e., botulism), which can harm your cat’s GI tract and cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and a fever. If you are wondering about the benefits of giving it to your pet, always consult your veterinarian first.

Conditions in Which Honey is Good for Cats

In all honesty, there aren’t any conditions where it is good. One of the major concerns is giving it to kittens and young felines. Just like human babies, cats are subject to catching botulism, an illness caused by the bacterium clostridium botulinum, which can seriously harm your cat by releasing a neurotoxin into the bloodstream.

Can Honey Help My Cat with Allergies?

You have probably heard that for humans, honey has the special ability to partially suppress the immune system and help to relieve allergic sensitivity and reactions to certain allergens. If you have a cat that suffers from allergies, some owners suggest that a small amount of honey may be able to help provide some relief. The belief is that it can boost the immune system and provide the body with antioxidants, and as a result, lessen the symptoms of allergic conditions. However, most allergies in pets are related to either food allergies or seasonal allergies, and it may be best to consult your veterinarian regarding treatment. Your veterinarian can recommend several hypoallergenic diets and even test your kitty for specific allergies. Although it may boost your cat’s immune system, and a little taste will most likely be harmless, be on the lookout for GI upset.

READ MORE: Skin Allergies in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (Vet Advice)


If your cat is a healthy adult and has no underlying health issues such as diabetes, offering him a little taste of honey most likely won’t cause any issues. However, it’s important to know that honey is mostly sugar and offers no real nutritional value for your feline friend, and always monitor for feline friend for GI signs such as vomiting or diarrhea.

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Can Dogs and Cats Eat Honey?

Both cats and dogs can eat honey, but it’s always best to offer small amounts as it contains a lot of sugar and extra calories. If your pets like an occasional taste of honey, it will not cause any harm in healthy adult pets, but always monitor for signs of GI upset.

Can Cats Eat Syrup or Honey?

Cats prefer animal proteins and fats, and chances are most kitties won’t beg for a taste of syrup or honey. If your cat is begging for a taste of maple syrup on your pancakes or honey on your toast, try to discourage them and offer a cat treat or some canned food instead.

Can My Cat Eat Honey Nut Cheerios?

Honey Nut Cheerios and other types of breakfast cereals are grain or rice-based, and most cats do not like to eat grains or processed carbohydrates. However, if your cat is unusual, and likes it, try to discourage sharing your cereal with your feline friend. Try offering cat treats instead and redirect the attention.

How Much Honey Can You Give a Cat?

Your veterinarian will most likely answer this question with a firm “no,” however, if your adult cat likes honey, try not to feed more than 1/2 teaspoon of it daily and avoid feeding it to a young cat or kitten. Also, be on the lookout for signs of allergic or GI reactions like diarrhea or vomiting.

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