Weaning Puppies: When to Wean a Puppy
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Author: Alina Andreeva
Alina A. is a professional writer, editor, and pet-lover. She has published over 50 articles on how to care for pets properly. Alina has been writing articles for 3 years, so she has considerable experience in this niche. Her natural curiosity helps her to expand her knowledge and learn new pet care life hacks, which will make your life much easier.
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by Dr. Joanna De Klerk
Dr. Joanna de Klerk is a professional Clinical Veterinarian. Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons UK and a member of the South African Veterinary Association. Graduated with a Master of Science in Tropical Animal Medicine in 2018. Professional author, she has been writing in scientific journals, and also several book series. Joanna loves to enjoy time with her young daughter and family in her free time.
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Updated on: 02/14/2023
When to start weaning puppies from a mother dog is a conversational question in the pet world. First of all, let’s figure out what weaning is. Weaning means you are slowly lowering a puppy’s dependency on his mother’s natural milk and care and introducing him to solid food.
This process can be complicated because you don’t want to wean pups too early, and you want to accustom little bundles of fur to puppy food as smoothly and stress-free as possible. Here’s a simple guide on when and how to wean your pups to make this process easier for you and your furry friends.
Best Age to Wean a Litter of Puppies
The mother dog’s milk bar will not always be open for business. So the most challenging part of weaning a litter of puppies is to know when. Veterinarians and dog breeders recommend beginning weaning pups between three and four weeks of age, and this process will likely take up until seven-eight weeks or so. Note that puppies are not weaned all at once. The weaning process should be gradual, so they can still learn essential behaviors from littermates and the mother dog. It also helps her to slowly dry up the milk supply.
“Colostrum, mother dog’s first milk, contains vital antibodies that protect pups from various diseases while their immune system begins to develop. As they continue to grow, natural milk gradually changes inconsistency, and mother’s production increases to satisfy their appetite”,
says Kelly Roper, a dog breeder.[1]
Remember that until the third week, your pups should not drink or eat anything besides the mom’s milk, including water.
“Weaning is often a somewhat stressful time for both the mother and the puppy. The gradual and supervised process can significantly reduce the stress associated with weaning”,
claims Amber Johnson, an animal behaviorist.
It is crucial to start weaning puppies between three and four weeks of age because that is when they begin to grow deciduous (baby) teeth. They are quite sharp and can hurt the sensitive nipples of their mother dog. And now that they have teeth, they can begin to eat puppy food.
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How to Wean a Litter of Puppies?
Now you know when to wean a litter of puppies. The big question is, “how”? It would help if you started weaning by separating the mother dog from her litter for several hours. While separated, introduce the pups to puppy milk in a large pan. They will begin exploring it and learning to lap instead of suck. Once they’ve mastered that, you can introduce puppy food, either a puppy mousse or kibble soaked to the consistency of a slop. This time apart from their mother, will allow them to gradually lower their dependency on their mother’s milk and her presence.
As time goes on, you can increase the frequency and length of separation time and the amount of food in small increments until the puppies are completely weaned. You can also gradually decrease how much you soak the puppy food, making the texture a little thicker. As your little four-legged friends eat puppy food, praise and reward them with your attention so they know they are doing everything right. As the puppies spend more and more time away from their mother, they become more self-confident and independent.[2]
The mother dog needs time to recover from feeding and let her milk supply dry up. She may also begin to deny her pups the ability to feed to encourage them to find food independently. You can pull up your sleeves and give a helping hand by watching for signs that she is ready to wean and help her meet a good schedule. Remember that you are working with the mother dog to help her “furry kids” gain independence. Note that weaning from mother’s milk is a two-way process the pups gradually wean from the mother’s milk, and the mother dog slowly moves away from milk production and her litter of puppies, explains Beth J. Finder Harris in the book Breeding a Litter.[3]
By the age of seven to eight weeks, your puppies should be completely weaned. At this time, it is crucial to keep a close eye on your puppies. Make sure they are gaining weight and growing normally. They should not have any vomiting or diarrhea, which may be a sign that they are digesting food poorly. If your puppies have any problems during this period, contact your veterinarian immediately.
READ MORE: Raising a Puppy Tips
How to Dry up a Mother’s Milk Supply?
Let’s imagine your mother dog’s milk production as a factory, and “furry kids” as little customers. Your dog’s ability to keep producing milk depends on many factors. Adrienne Farricelli, a former veterinary assistant and a certified dog trainer, suggests following these tips.[4] [5]
Reduce Demand
Production of milk depends on demand. If the pups continue suckling their mother’s milk, they empty the milk tank, forcing the mother to produce more milk, which allows the milk production to thrive and stay in business. Your aim is to reduce puppies’ interest in milk and the milk supply by making some changes in the diet of the puppies and the mother dog. The lower the demand for milk, the higher the chances that the mother’s factory will eventually close down.
Reduce High Energy Food
When the mother dog is feeding the puppies full time, her nutritional requirements are very high to ensure a constant supply of milk for her puppies. While weaning, begin moving the mother back to normal food from high energy puppy food. It may help her gradually taper off from milk production. Consult your veterinarian to ensure that the mother and her puppies have the adequate nutrition during weaning, and monitor her weight very closely, as if she loses weight too fast, she is not ready for the change.
What to Feed Weaning Pups?
During the weaning process, you should feed the pups the same high-quality puppy food you plan to feed them throughout their growth period. Moisten the food with warm water to create a soupy slop. Make sure a batch of puppies always has access to fresh water.
The Bottom Line
Weaning from mother’s milk can be a challenge for first-time pup owners. The best approach to this process is to take your time, stick to the schedule, and make sure your puppies are adjusting to new food. Weaning is a two-way process, so make sure that you are working with the mother dog at every stage. Thus, with a little planning and patience, you can be sure that the offspring will grow up healthy and happy.
Article Sources:
- Roper, Kelly. “Weaning Puppies | LoveToKnow.” LoveToKnow, dogs.lovetoknow.com/weaning-puppies.
- Greer, Marthina L. “Canine Reproduction and Neonatology”, 1st Edition, Kindle. Amazon, amazon.com/gp/product/B00S9OM9D0/.
- Finder Harris, Beth J. “Breeding a Litter: The Complete Book of Prenatal and Postnatal Care (Howell Reference Books) Kindle Edition.” Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/Breeding-Litter-Complete-Postnatal-Reference-ebook/dp/B00DNL38TS
- Farricelli, Adrienne. “How to Dry up a Dog’s Milk and Help Mom Stop Producing.” PetHelpful – By Fellow Animal Lovers and Experts, 1 May 2013, pethelpful.com/dogs/How-to-Dry-up-a-Dogs-Milk.
- Farricelli, Adrienne. “When Should You Start Weaning Puppies From Their Mother?” PetHelpful – By Fellow Animal Lovers and Experts, 25 Dec. 2012, pethelpful.com/dogs/When-Should-you-Start-Weaning-Puppies-from-Mother-Dog.

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